Amazing Omegas For Pets | Premium Fish Oil For Dogs & Cats
8 ounce glass bottle
Packed in Dark Glass Bottles to Preserve Freshness and Quality
NOTE: Finicky eaters may not like the taste. Try PureOcean Wild Omegas. Product is nonrefundable.
Note: During transport some leakage may naturally occur as we are shipping a delicate bottle of liquid. Please do not be concerned as the benefits of the omega-3 oils are still preserved and the product is perfectly safe for your pet to consume.
What Are Amazing Omegas For Pets?
Amazing Omegas is premium fish oil for dogs and cats! The quality and purity just can’t be compared. Amazing Omegas is naturally processed, 3rd party tested to ensure our omega-3 supplement is free of toxins and heavy metals (including mercury and PCBs) and concentrated to provide a highly therapeutic dose from a small amount of oil. You will be amazed at the results you will see from our very own "Amazing Omegas”. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC)*, it is best to buy fish oil in dark bottles and store them in the refrigerator. This protects the omega-3 fish oil from heat, light and air. Omega-3 fatty acids can become rancid due to oxidation and are highly perishable.
Ask Ariel’s Amazing Omegas pet fish oil supplement is packaged in dark glass bottles to preserve the integrity of the oil. Packing fish oil in plastic can enable toxins from the plastic to leach into the oil and also increase degradation of the omega-3 fatty acids. A little Amazing Omegas goes a long way because our fish oil is rich in omega fatty acids that are naturally bioavailable to your pet. Amazing Omegas has been a staple at local So. CA vet hospitals for years and is recommended by veterinarians nationwide.
*Reference: Research Study: AKC Expert Advice: Fish Oil for Dogs. Sep 13, 2017.
How Do Cats And Dogs Benefit From Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements?
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) have been scientifically shown to be helpful for allergies, arthritis, skin problems, heart, kidneys and more. The majority of commercial diets contain EFAS, but with a considerably higher percentage of omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. Omega-6 fatty acids come primarily from plant sources such as vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Diets high in omega-6s will lead to chronic inflammation if not balanced out with omega-3 fatty acids. Amazing Omegas contains concentrated levels of two types of omega-3s: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to support brain function and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to reduce inflammation.
Inflammation is a contributing factor in cat and dog health problems such as allergies, joint pain and auto-immune conditions. Animals cannot make essential fatty acids, they must come from diet. If the diet is not balanced and complete, supplementation is essential.
Is Your Pet A Finicky Eater?
While Amazing Omegas is extremely beneficial for pets, some finicky eaters may not like the taste. Please be sure to refer to the Important Considerations below as this product may not be a good fit for your pet.
Amazing Omegas For Pets Can Benefit:
- Dogs And Cats With Dry Skin & Dandruff
Amazing Omegas is a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids that will give your pet the most lustrous, gorgeous coat! Amazing Omegas fish oil for dogs and cats can provide help for itching, scratching, skin problems, atopic dermatitis and seborrhea (dandruff). A high dose of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) improves pruritus (unexplained itchy skin) and alopecia.* Amazing Omegas helps to strengthen the cell membranes in the skin and reduces skin inflammation and itchiness.
Many pet owners mistakenly believe that if their pet's coat is dry, they need to use conditioner or lotion topically. When a pet's coat is dry, flaking or has dandruff, it is because something is missing on the INSIDE. Yes---on the inside. Your pet needs highly purified, bioavailable omega-3 essential fatty acids that are added to the food and then within days, come out and make the skin and fur beautiful.
*Reference: Veterinary Dermatology. September 1994. Double‐blinded Crossover Study with Marine Oil Supplementation Containing High‐dose Eicosapentaenoic Acid for the Treatment of Canine Pruritic Skin Disease
- Dogs And Cats With Allergies
The Omega-3 fatty acids in Amazing Omegas reduce your dog or cat’s allergic responses through their anti-inflammatory properties. When the skin is healthy, it has a natural barrier against allergens. This can minimize a pet’s reaction to pollens or other environmental triggers. Fish oil for dogs and cats should be considered a core ingredient in your pet’s diet, especially if your pet has allergies. Click here to learn more about natural remedies for pet allergies.
- Dogs And Cats With Arthritis and Joint Pain
Omega-3 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties that are therapeutic for arthritis and joint pain. Studies show that dogs taking a high-quality fish oil supplement have an improved ability to rise from a resting position and display increased mobility and activity.* Natural omega-3s may reduce the amount of pain medication required for your pet.
*Reference: JAVMA,Vol 239, No. 11, December 1, 2011. Therapeutic use of fish oils in companion animals.
- Dogs And Cats With Heart Disease
Amazing Omegas is cardioprotective and can reduce inflammation around the heart and decrease the level of lipids in the blood. A clinical study found that fish oil can reduce arrhythmias and benefit pets with hypertension.* A study showed that dogs with heart failure fed fish oil had longer survival times and less weight loss associated with congestive heart failure.**
*Reference: JAVMA, Vol 239, No. 11, December 1, 2011. Therapeutic use of fish oils in companion animals.
**Reference: J Vet Intern Med.2008 May-Jun;22(3):561-5. Epub 2008 May 2. Association of body weight and body condition with survival in dogs with heart failure.
- Dogs With Canine Cognitive Dysfunction
- Dogs And Cats With Kidney Disease
Scientific research has shown that the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) Omega-3s found in fish oil can improve survival time for pets with kidney disease. It’s very important to note that the phosphorous found in fish can be harmful to pets with kidney disease and pets that have elevated creatine and BUN should avoid high phosphorous foods such as fish and liver. However, the omega-3 fatty acids found in Amazing Omegas do not contain phosphorous and can benefit pets with kidney disease, reducing inflammation.*
*Reference: J Lab Clin Med.2000 Mar;135(3):275-86. Effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in early renal insufficiency in dogs.
- Dogs And Cats With Cancer
The Omega-3 fatty acids found in Amazing Omegas, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) help slow the development of tumors and metastases of certain cancers.* Omega-3s can also help pets suffering with cancer cachexia, the wasting syndrome characterized by weight loss, inappetence, fatigue, weakness, anemia, and compromised immune function. To learn more about natural remedies for cancer, please click here.
*Reference:Cancer Res.1992 Apr 1;52(7 Suppl):2040s-2048s. Relationship between dietary fat and experimental mammary tumorigenesis: a review and critique.
Ruger Before
"Ruger was rescued running from a fire in WY and had been terribly neglected. He was woefully thin and had a very sparse coat. Winter was coming and we were concerned that Ruger would not have the coat he needed to keep warm. Along with changing his dog food, we added Amazing Omegas. The results were incredible."
Ruger After
"We rescued Ruger in October and here he is posing for his Christmas photo. In just 2 months time, Ruger grew a beautiful, thick coat and the life he deserved. When my veterinarian saw the transformation in Ruger's coat, she was very impressed. Thank you for your wonderful product and for helping Ruger." - Jeff, Wyoming
Natural Triglyceride Fish Oil For Pets Enables Optimum Absorption
Amazing Omegas is a natural triglyceride oil – the most natural type of fish oil and the easiest for the body to absorb. This top-rated fish oil for dogs and cats packs in 1200 mg Omegas - in just 1 teaspoon---this is 3-4x the strength of many pet omega supplements!!!
What makes this premium pet fish oil supplement even better is that it is purified with the highest standards (third-party quality control tested), so that the usual aftertaste is eliminated. Why do we and our pets get an aftertaste and/or burping following the ingestion of most other fish oils? This is because of the toxins that remain in the oil.
Here is how the label reads on Ask Ariel's Amazing Omegas For Pets:
"Amazing Omegas contains fish oil in its natural TG (triglyceride) form. Amazing Omegas contains a minimum 90% natural TG bound omega-3 oils. Amazing Omegas For Pets is molecularly distilled and filtered to ensure purity and to maximize the removal of metals, pesticides, PCBs and other contaminants. Mixed tocopherols (antioxidant) are added to enhance stability of the product. "
Why is this so important? Well, so many of us are using fish oils with the best of intentions, but when we use these products, if they aren't purified, they may be giving you and your pets some extra toxins along with the benefits. This is NOT the case with Amazing Omegas--it is a premium fish oil for dogs and cats delivering therapeutically high levels of Omega-3s without the toxins!
How To Administer To Your Pets
It's easy. Please scroll down to watch the video below! Most dogs love the taste and will eat Amazing Omegas when it is in their food. Because Amazing Omegas is so potent and bioavailable, much less is needed than with other fish oils and the benefits are much more pronounced.
Important Considerations For Pets With Pancreatitis, IBD And Inappetence
It's important to consider your pet's individual needs when purchasing fish oil. Some sick pets with inappetence and most cats will not be especially inclined to eat any type of nutritional supplement initially and may not like the lemon scent of Amazing Omegas. We do not recommend using this product for pets that are fussy eaters. If your cat or dog is extremely finicky, then you will need to be able to syringe in a few drops in order to successfully administer the product. Pets with IBD and diarrhea may get loose stool from fish oil. Pets with Pancreatitis are very sensitive to oil and fat. Some clients whose pets have had pancreatitis do use Amazing Omegas judiciously. However, if your pet has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, it's always best to consult your veterinarian before ordering.
"Indigo is very healthy, loves the Amazing Omegas fish and her coat is amazing. I get so many comments on her beautiful coat. We just love her and are blessed to have such a wonderful, affectionate, silly, happy girl in our lives. Thank you!" - LaRosa Family, Connecticut
Amazing Omegas for Pets Ingredients:
Amazing Omegas for Pets is fish oil (anchovy, mackerel and sardine) in its natural TG (triglyceride) form. It is molecularly distilled and filtered to ensure purity and to maximize the removal of metals, pesticides, and other contaminates. With the addition of natural lemon flavor, mixed tocopherols as antioxidants, the stability of the product is greatly enhanced.
Serving Size: 5 ml (1 teaspoon)
Servings Per Container: 40
Contains: Anchovy and sardine.
Calories 40
Calories from Fat 40
Total Fat 4.5 g
Cholesterol 25 mg
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
EPA 725 mg (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
DHA 475 mg (Docasahexaenoic Acid)
Other Ingredients: natural lemon flavor, mixed tocopherols
Contains fish: (sardines, mackerel, anchovies)
The oil may become cloudy when refrigerated, which is normal and does not alter product efficacy. This is a natural product that may exhibit color, taste and density variations from lot to lot. Mixed tocopherols have been added to keep the oil fresh by preventing oxidative damage. Does not contain gluten.
Note About Storage:
Amazing Omegas is packaged in a dark glass bottle, as suggested by the American Kennel Club (AKC). We recommend that once the oil has been opened, it should be stored in the refrigerator. Fish oil is susceptible to oxidation, so it needs to be protected from heat, light and air.
Shipping Note:
To preserve the quality of the fish oil, Amazing Omegas is packed in glass bottles. It costs over $10 to ship 1 bottle to the East Coast. We do our best to pack and ship this item so it comes to you quickly and in excellent condition. There is a $2.00 per bottle "heavyweight" shipping charge that applies even if the order is over $150. Because the cost of shipping over 2 bottles requires a special box and runs over $20 per box, there is a $4.50 handling charge added to the cost of ordering 3 bottles.
Amazing Omegas is beneficial for the following conditions:
- Dog and Cat Skin Problems, especially dry, itchy coats
- Dandruff and flaky skin
- Dog and Cat Kidney Disease
- Dog and Cat Heart Disease
- Dog and Cat Cancer
- Dog and Cat Liver Disease
Max & Amy
"I've been using these supplements for my 12-year-old kitties, Max and Amy for almost 2 years. They were diagnosed with megacolon and this has kept them from having to have surgery. Thank you, Ask Ariel! Using Power Probiotic, Liver Support and Amazing Omegas, along with feeding a high-moisture novel protein diet has kept Max & Amy happy and healthy." - Kathleen, Texas
"Dot was diagnosed with bladder crystals at 10 weeks of age (she is now 7 years old). I put her on antibiotics but the problems would recur. Then I found you online. I began Power Probiotic and fish oil (Amazing Omegas) supplementation (and changed diet after it was discovered that Dot had allergies). She did not have another episode of bladder problems.
At age 2 she was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia. I started her on ArthroSoothe For Pets and she has done very well. Just recently putting weight on that leg is now painful for her, so I am adding Special SAMe.
I feel the supplements have been beneficial in helping keep her active and in good muscle tone. I often wonder what we would have done without the help of you and the products." - Linda, Arkansas
"Great Customer Service and very knowledgeable on their products. We have been using Amazing Omegas, Power Probiotic and AllerEaze for about 3 years - (dunk has allergies and had a mast cell tumor removed October 2017). We are super pleased with these products and they always arrive packaged well." - Diann, Georgia
"This is Annie. She was adopted from a shelter. She was having issues with a partial collapsed trachea. Annie has been on Amazing Omegas for over a year and it has helped tremendously with her collapsed trachea. Thank you so much!!! This has been the best thing ever!!!!" - Sandra, Arkansas
"Hi, It's me Pebbles. I'm a little tripod rescue dog but I'm super strong and fast! My Mommy gives me Power Probiotic and Amazing Omegas every day. See if you can keep up with me!" - Gina, California
"Beau is a Yorkie mix rescue, who came into our family one year ago. He was half blind, with dry skin issues, and recently tore his ACL. We put him on Amazing Omegas and Ultra-Flex joint supplements. Beau's skin is 100 percent better, with the shiniest of coats, and his is recovering nicely from his ACL tear without surgery! We swear by your products, and you have a loyal customer for life!" - Karen, New Jersey
"Kiyoshi was rescued March 2017 from my back yard. He was limping with a bloody foot. He was 8 months to one year old, having worms, ear mites, and possibly 'pillow foot'. He had to be quarantined from my other rescued kitty, Lily, until cleared.
I then started both cats with Ask Ariel's supplements: the Power Probiotic, NOT Drops, QUENT Drops, Soothing Digestive Relief and later tried Amazing Omegas and AllerEaze. It wasn't very long before Kiyoshi's paws healed and paw swelling completely reduced. (Quickly enough for the vet to say that it possibly was allergies vs. autoimmunity.) Lily benefited from the probiotics and digestives, reducing stomach sensitivity. Kiyoshi is a sweet, gentle boy with a sensitive nature. All he wants is to be cuddled and loved. You can see how safe and relaxed he is in this photo." - Jaymie, Maryland
"Finnick uses most of Ask Ariel's allergy and yeast products. We’ve been using Ask Ariel products for 10+ years... We love your products!" - Jenny, California
"Riley, my wonderful golden retriever and best friend was diagnosed with lymphoma at 6 years old. He was given 6 months or less to live. Our oncologist gave me Ask Ariel's information. They helped me change his diet and suggested supplements that would help. We did all this and amazingly he lived 18 more months. He tolerated the chemo extremely well and for a time even went into remission. The cancer center was so amazed by his progress they named him their "wonder dog"! Thank you Ask Ariel for giving me those 18 months. They were filled with Riley feeling good, energetic and playful. We took long walks and runs by the beach and lots of fun play time and of course lots of love. Riley and I never would have had this time if it were not for Ask Ariel's holistic care which used with the cancer treatment gave Riley good quality time." - Cheri, California
Some of the products Riley used: Resveratrol For Dogs, Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief, Amazing Omegas, Renelix
"My precious Boston Terrier, Marcie had 3 mast cell tumors removed at age 7. One of the tumors had become a grade 2. After reading the pathology report and various other articles, I was terrified of what might happen. She's my baby and I will do anything I can to give her the best and all she needs. I ordered several products from the AskAriel.com website which I have been using for several years now. Other than a couple of changes in protein sources, which is necessary with dogs with serious allergies, my baby is amazing. Everybody that meets her is in awe of her beauty and comment on the glow of her coat which I attribute to Amazing Omegas. They cannot believe that she is nine years old and has puppy energy! I thank God each day He gives me to love her. Marcie's recent bloodwork results were awesome. I know it would not be possible without Susan's help. I highly recommend her expertise and products." - Kim, Florida
Supplements that have helped Marcie include: Amazing Omegas for Pets, Resveratrol For Dogs, AllerEaze, K9 Digestive Enzymes, and Immune Harmony.
"I am sold on your products and the two dogs I am treating have shown vast improvements. I am most impressed. My dogs are my very best friends. I am willing to help them and do whatever is necessary to keep them healthy and happy. Your products are helping me do just that. I will use conventional medicine if I have to but am always happy to find holistic products that actually work. I will always go with them first. Yours are amazing. Thank you once again for having these wonderful products and being so kind with helping." - Firmin Family, Alaska
Products Used: Amazing Omegas, Power Probiotic, NOT Drops (for allergies and infections), Resveratrol For Dogs(immune support, energizing antioxidant, cancer).
Pretty Boy
"I'm writing to tell you that with the help of your supplements, my dog Pretty Boy just turned 17! About four years ago, Pretty Boy started experiencing a chronic cough. At the time, he was taking supplements from another company. He was diagnosed with heart disease and put on conventional medication. I continued with the supplements previously mentioned but I wasn't satisfied with the quality so I decided to search for another source. That's when I found Ask Ariel. Pretty Boy is taking Power Probiotic, Amazing Omegas, Gastro ULC, LypoZyme, Soothing Digestive Relief (when necessary) Dog Brain Booster, Kidney Health, Renelix, Purrfect Pet COQ10, along with his conventional medications to address his heart condition, kidney disease and chronic pancreatitis. Although this seems like a lot of supplements, the combination (with my holistic vet's approval) works well for him and keeps him full of energy. The supplements are all very high quality and with patience and time, really do work. My favorite is the Gastro ULC. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to wean him off of his twice daily administration of Pepcid for his acid stomach due to kidney disease. His digestive woes have all been diminished with the addition of the LypoZyme and Power Probiotic. Thank you for always taking the time to answer my many emails and for your suggestions. My resilient little man means the world to me and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him healthy and happy." - Erin, New York
"Molly, our 13 year old black lab was diagnosed with kidney disease and was given a few months to live. She had been healthy most of her life and my husband and I were stunned with the diagnosis. In addition to her kidney disease, her legs were getting weak from arthritis and she was also starting to show signs of dementia. Needless to say, we were not optimistic about her future. That weekend, we went to the Pet Expo in Baltimore and were lucky enough to talk to a vendor who recommended we contact AskAriel.com. We used Renelix and the Kidney Health Formula for her kidney disease in addition to the Amazing Omegas and used the diet that was recommended for her. We've been treating her with the supplements in addition to administering sub-q fluids and 5 months later Molly is still eating, drinking and very much full of life. We know that she is still with us because of Susan Davis' (Ask Ariel Pet Nutritionist) expertise, compassion and arsenal of supplements. We are so grateful we found Susan and AskAriel and have already started our younger dog, Brandy on the Amazing Omegas." - Jennifer, Maryland
"Before we tried Kiko on the Ask Ariel Amazing Omegas, our boy had very dry flaky skin and his hair was very dull and dry. Within 2 weeks of using Amazing Omegas, Kiko has a healthy, thick, shiny, glossy coat of fur. I've also noticed new growth of hair around his elbows, stomach and ears. Thank you to Gina Gould for donating the first bottle for him to try. Ever since he has been on them. As a mom of a DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) dog, your products are working amazingly well at keeping our special boy healthy. Thank you Susan Davis and Ask Ariel!!!" - Jennifer, California
"We wanted to let you know how great Archie is doing with all the help you have given us. With Archie being a Scottie we have had to deal with Scottie Cramp and the possibility of Cushings. When he developed Scottie Cramp the breeder told us to not expose him to any of the causes that made the Scottie cramp happen. Instead, with your help, we exposed him to the causes which are anything that made him excited. By doing this we made the causes a norm in his life which have diminished the cramp or done away with it all together. His legs are now strong and he can go up and down the stairs without any help. By watching his blood tests we have been monitoring his ALK Phosphates and Cortisol levels. When they started to increase, we added Canine Cushing support. After being on the product six months his water intake is back to normal and so far his blood work is stabilizing. Along with the Cushing support he is on a raw diet and a number of other supplements (LypoZyme, Special SAMe for dogs, Gastro ULC, and Amazing Omegas) you have recommended for balance.
We want to thank you so much for all the help and care for "Archie"." - Rich & Patty, California
"I love your products, VCA Arroyo Animal Hospital staff recommended I try the Amazing Omega oils after several rounds of skin rashes that got infected. Since giving my dog, Mackenzie, your supplement she’s never had a relapse - keep up the great work! You’ve won a customer for life!" - J.Ellis, California
"Feebee is an 11 year old Westie and had been having recurrent UTI's for about 6 months. She would go off the antibiotics and within a few weeks would have symptoms again. Our vet did an ultrasound which was normal and then suggested we switch her from a kibble diet to canned and raw food. I discovered your website online and started her on Power Probiotic, QUENT Drops, NOT Drops, and Amazing Omegas. I'm delighted to report that she hasn't had a UTI since starting this regimen, she loves her new food, and her skin is better than it's ever been (she has allergies too). Feebee is one happy dog and I am a very happy owner! Many thanks!" - Wendi, Texas
"Indigo is very healthy and loves the fish oil (Amazing Omegas) and her coat is amazing. I get so many comments on her beautiful coat and how beautiful and friendly she is. We just love her and are blessed to have such a wonderful, affectionate, silly, happy girl in our lives. Thank you!" - LaRosa Family, Connecticut
"This is Kobe, our 13 year old Shih Tzu. He will be 14 in July. He has been blind and deaf for two years. Kobe is really sweet and attached to me like glue. We have used Ask Ariel products since Kobe was less than one year old. He was diagnosed with liver problems. I had been using these products for our female Shih Tzu, so I trusted them. We use Power Probiotic, Liver Support, Special SAMe, Amazing Omegas, and AllerEaze for his allergies." - Connie, California
"I had tried several other brands of fish oil for my 3 year old Yorkie, Tango. His coat continued to look dry while using the other brands. I started using Amazing Omegas and seriously within a few DAYS noticed a new sheen and luster on his coat. I believe that the difference is the uncompromising quality of this product. The first time I opened the bottle, I immediately noticed the fresh smell of this oil. Tango’s groomer, who is an expert on canine coats, comments regularly about the health and beauty of his coat. We love this product and would highly recommend it." - Barber Family, California
"Samwell has been doing well thanks to Ask Ariel's Amazing Omegas, LypoZyme and Power Probiotic. He takes them daily to help with his collapsing trachea. The digestives help reduce any dietary issues or allergens that could irritate his throat and the omegas are an excellent anti-inflammatory." - Heather, New York
"Bella is our fourth and most sensitive golden. She developed chronic UTI's and yeast on her skin. We have always fed Bella premium dog food since she was a puppy. After many expensive tests, medications and possible surgery to correct her problems, we found Ask Ariel. We have had nothing but good results. They have directed us to better health and happiness for Bella with their knowledge and expertise.
As my husband so simply put it "she's fixed"!!!!! Thank you Ask Ariel." - Steve & Valarie, California
"Just wanted to let you know that since I put my husky, Juneau, on your supplements, his tummy has improved dramatically. There hasn't been one episode of issues ever since, and also, he is far less itchy than he was when we first brought him home. We are so happy to see him happy. And thank you also for the toy that came with our most recent order. Through some miracle, it is still in one piece. I would also like to add that not only have his tummy troubles made a complete turnaround... he is blowing his winter coat and his new one is incredibly soft and silky. A happier, even more exuberant personality is also shining through which I attribute to his overall better health." - Maria, New York
Products used: Amazing Omegas, Power Probiotic
"Topper passed on yesterday at the age of 15. I wanted to thank Ask Ariel for helping Topper and myself over the last two years with his kidney failure. Their knowledge allowed for the two of us to enjoy 2 more wonderful years that otherwise never would have happened. For that I am eternally grateful. Topper never once complained about his new schedule of supplements and home cooked meals, and it allowed us to form an even stronger bond than we previously had that I never thought possible. He was surrounded by those that loved him, and I was able to be there comforting him at the end which is all I had ever asked for. He had taken care of me after my mom passed away from Cancer 14 years ago, and being able to finally take care of him
when he needed it the last two years is a task that I embraced and welcomed each and every day." -
Mark, Texas
Products used: Kidney Health Support, Renelix, and Amazing Omegas.
"Gavin is a 7-year-old Scottish Terrier who has been my buddy since a puppy. A couple of months before he turned 3, he became listless, had a high temperature, drinking more water than usual and no appetite to eat. He was hospitalized for 3 days at a Specialty Veterinary Hospital where tests were done to rule out various issues. To help him recover he was on a variety of pills. The specialty doctors still could not figure out what was wrong with him for a couple of months eventually concluding that he was diagnosed as having “Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis (IMPA)”. I wanted him off all the medication and researched for a more homeopathic way to heal. I decided on the website “Ask Ariel”. I have ordered various products eventually using up to 7 products on a regular basis going on 4 years. Gavin is doing very well!" - Lisa, California
Gavin uses the following products from Ask Ariel: Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, AllerEaze, K9 Yeast Defense, NOT Drops and Amazing Omegas.
Puff Daddy
"We had some good news about Puff Daddy on Friday! Ever since Puff Daddy was a pup (he is a 7 ½ year old Chinese Crested Powder Puff now) different vets would say they heard a mild heart murmur (about 2-3 out of scale of 0-6). About two years ago, we started a heart disease protocol that included Amazing Omegas, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, and Resveratrol for Dogs. This month (January) we went in for Puff Daddy’s rabies vaccination and the vet listened to his heart for quite some time. She looked up amazed. She heard no murmur. She asked me what I was giving him and said to keep it up. Puff Daddy has the energy of a puppy, running at full-speed with dogs 3-4x his size. I am so grateful for all the help Ask Ariel has given me with Puff Daddy and Sheeba before." - Andrea, Washington, D.C.
"My sweet, beautiful Rudley has had tummy issues since he was a puppy. With Ask Ariel's help, we put him on a raw diet and have used their supplements: Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotic all these years. He will soon be eleven years old and he’s been very healthy.
Recently, he started getting us up in the night to go outside and wanted to eat grass or bushes! He was agitated and couldn’t seem to get comfortable. After lab work and vet visits that showed he was healthy, I decided it was time for him to go back on Ask Ariel’s digestive protocol. I had to assume that he was having acid reflux in the night. After only three days on K9 Digestive and Gastro ULC, Rudley was sleeping through the night again and back to his happy self! We also added the Brain Booster since he is a senior citizen!
Thank you Ask Ariel for always being there for us. I’m convinced that your supplements (and diet suggestions) have kept Rudley from ever having an ear or skin infection." - Pam, California
"I recently purchased your products to help my 16-18 year old rescue dog Rudy with his cognitive decline. He would be up all night pacing, getting stuck in corners and unhappy. He's such a cute dog with a wonderful jovial personality so seeing him so unhappy broke my heart. I started my dog out slowly. After 48 hours, I started noticing a difference. He was more alert, less anxious and started sleeping through the night. Now he's on the full regimen and he's almost 100% himself again. I am amazed at the difference these products have
made. It's been 2 weeks and the difference is amazing. I have my happy-go-lucky prancing boy back. I know because of his age we don't have a lot of time together, but by using your products, these twilight years look like they will be a lot happier. Thank you!!!" -
Laurie, Maryland
Products Rudy uses are: Amazing Omegas, Special SAMe, PSY-stabil Calming Drops, Brain Booster, Happy Paws Drops.
Product FAQs
How do I choose the best fish oil for my dog?
A natural TG (triglyceride) oil is the most natural and easiest to absorb. Many of these oils are not purified and can contain contaminants. Select a high-quality oil that is molecularly distilled and filtered. These processes will ensure the purity and maximize the removal of metals, pesticides, PCBs and other contaminates.
Is Omega-3 fish oil good for dogs and cats?
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids (EFAs) have been scientifically shown to be helpful for allergies, arthritis, skin problems, heart, kidneys and more. Dogs can’t make these fatty acids on their own, so they must come from the diet. There are two types of omega-3s: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to support brain function and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to reduce inflammation.
Are capsules or a liquid fish oil better for my pet?
Liquid fish oil is much easier to digest and absorb than capsules. If the oil is inside a capsule, your dog or cat will first have to digest the capsule to benefit from the nutrients inside. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), liquid fish oil is best when stored in dark glass bottles and refrigerated to protect it from heat, light and air.
Will fish oil help itchy, flaky skin in dogs?
Fish oil can provide relief from itching, scratching, skin problems, atopic dermatitis and seborrhea (dandruff). A high dose of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) can improve pruritus (unexplained itchy skin) and alopecia by strengthening the skin cell membranes and reducing skin inflammation. When a pet's coat is itchy, dry, flaking or has dandruff, it is because something is missing from the diet. A highly purified, bioavailable fish oil added to the diet can stop the itching and dryness, making the skin and fur beautiful within days.
