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Home Remedies For Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

Has your dog been diagnosed with a mast cell tumor? If so, we are here to help. Ask's Ariel's natural treatment plan for canine mast cell tumors (giving supplements and feeding a cancer diet) can be used along with conventional treatments prescribed by your veterinarian. The ingredients in our dog MCT supplements have been selected based on quality, scientific research and proven results. Our wide range of mast cell tumor supplements contain CBD oil, quercetin, medicinal mushrooms and probiotics to reduce inflammation and help support a healthy immune system. Mast cell tumors can recur, and MCT supplements for dogs will support your pet's immunity and help reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

Quercetin For Mast Cells Tumors In Dogs - Quercetin, a natural flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables, offers several benefits for dogs with mast cell tumors. Known for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, quercetin can help reduce histamine release from mast cells, alleviating symptoms such as itching, swelling, and discomfort. Mast cell tumors have high levels of histamine. Any manipulation of the tumor can cause a sudden release of histamine into the bloodstream. A sudden histamine release can cause swelling, vascular changes and inflammation. Veterinarians prescribe Benadryl to reduce the harmful effects of histamine on the pet. Acting as a natural antihistamine for dogs with mast cell tumors, quercetin can be used alongside conventional allergy medications. Additionally, quercetin may inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, potentially slowing tumor progression and improving overall health.

Happy Paws CBD Oil For Mast Cell Tumors In Dogs - CBD for mast cell tumors in dogs can provide numerous benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. CBD oil may help reduce pain and discomfort, alleviate inflammation, and improve the overall quality of life for dogs suffering from this condition. Additionally, CBD has been known to boost the immune system and enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments, potentially slowing the progression of tumors. With its natural, holistic approach, CBD oil offers a promising complementary option for managing mast cell tumors in dogs, helping them lead happier and more comfortable lives. Happy Paws contains simple ingredients: organic hemp extract and coconut oil. It’s rigorously tested for potency and purity. Each 1oz bottle contains 550mg of full spectrum hemp extract in an unflavored all-natural coconut oil base. 100% organic. Made in the USA.

Dunkin the Frenchie @dunkinthefrenchie

Dunkin has allergies and had a mast cell tumor removed. Ask Ariel products help to support his immune system and prevent recurrence. Here is what Dunkin's Mom said: "Great Customer Service and very knowledgeable on their products. We have been using Amazing Omegas for Pets, Power Probiotic and AllerEaze for about 3 years. We are super pleased with these products and they always arrive packaged well." - Diann, Georgia

What Is A Mast Cell Tumor In Dogs?

A mast cell tumor (also called mastocytomas or mast cell sarcomas) in dogs is most commonly found in the skin or subcutaneous tissue. Mast cells are a part of your pet's immune system and protect against parasitic invaders. They are a type of white blood cell that contains histamine, heparin and enzymes involved in allergic reactions. Mast cell tumors are the most common skin tumors in dogs, accounting for nearly 20% of all skin tumors. While MCTs are primarily a skin cancer in dogs, they can metastasize to lymph nodes and other organs.

Causes Of Mast Cell Tumors In Dogs

For most dogs, the underlying cause of a mast cell tumor is unknown. As with most cancers, it is probably due to a number of factors. There are genetic and environmental risk factors. Some dogs have a genetic protein mutation (receptor tyrosine kinase protein) that fuels the progression of mast cells.

The prognosis for dogs with MCTs depends on various factors: the grade of the tumor, its location, whether the MCT has spread and the success of the surgery in completely removing it. Mast cell tumors in dogs have a tendency to recur.

While there is no cure, MCTs can be managed by using a proactive holistic approach to support your dog's immunity and its ability to fight this type of cancer.

Mast Cell Tumor In Dogs Symptoms

Mast cell tumors can be found in any breed of dog but are most commonly found in Boston terriers, English bulldogs, Weimaraners, golden retrievers, pugs, beagles and boxers.

  • Unusual growth including skin tags or small bumps
  • Appearance of red, ulcerated or swollen patches of skin
  • Digestive problems including vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and black, tarry stool
  • Skin rashes
  • Shortness of breath

Mast cell tumors in dogs can be found on the limbs, in between toes and in the spleen, liver and bone marrow.

Because they can look like all kinds of inflammatory lesions, pet owners may not notice them, and they can remain on a dog for a long time before they are treated. Please be sure to check your dog regularly for any unusual growths, and bring any lumps or bumps to the attention of your veterinarian, because early treatment will yield a much better outcome.

Diagnosis & Treatment Of Mast Cell Tumors In Dogs

Mast cell tumors vary greatly in their size, shape, appearance and texture. An MCT in dogs is typically diagnosed by fine needle aspiration. The only way to definitively identify them is with a biopsy and pathology report.

Mast cell tumors in dogs are classified into different stages based on their size, location, and extent of spread. These stages range from I to IV, with a stage I representing the least severe and stage IV the most advanced. A stage 1 mast cell tumor dog is typically confined to the skin and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs. This stage is considered localized and is often associated with a better prognosis compared to more advanced stages. Early detection and treatment of a stage 1 mast cell tumor in dogs can significantly improve outcomes, as these tumors are generally more responsive to surgical removal and may require less aggressive additional therapies. Regular monitoring and follow-up care are essential to ensure the tumor does not progress or recur.

Mast cell tumors are one of the most treatable forms of cancer. Surgery is generally recommended for both low- and high-grade tumors. In most cases of higher-grade tumors, chemotherapy is also recommended.


"Our 12-year-old mini-Schnauzer, Kaylee, developed a fatty lump. Her doctor took some sample tissue and then diagnosed a grade 2 mast cell tumor. We scheduled removal and she started a brief chemotherapy regimen. I began to research all-natural supplements for pets and found the Ask Ariel website. I was so glad to see affordable products specifically designed for pets. We started daily doses of Power Probiotic and AllerEaze. Her doctor continued to be amazed at how healthy she was following the tumor removal.

As Kaylee approached 14, she started getting up more at night and having cognitive issues. Plus, she was experiencing arthritis flare-ups. She would wake up howling out and trembling. I added Special SAM-e and Happy Paws Drops to Kaylee's daily supplement regimen. Within just a few days, Kaylee was sleeping comfortably through the night. She was also her active self, leaping up and down off of beds and furniture...following her little human sisters everywhere they went...especially if there was food in sight.

This past January, I noticed a sudden lump above her left shoulder area. Her vet took a sample and confirmed another mast cell tumor. After removal, her doctor told me that this one was very aggressive. Kaylee actually lost part of her upper muscle and her doctor told me that she would have limited mobility on that side. We brought her home and she immediately ran to the pantry for a treat! Within an hour, she was chasing kids through the house. It's now been three months since that growth removal and Kaylee is still as active as ever! Our family is so grateful for our time with Kaylee, during her senior years. We are also so thankful for the quality products from Ask Ariel. Using these supplements on a regular basis has greatly increased Kaylee's quality of life." - Cynthia, Louisiana

Mast Cell Tumor Dog Diet

Many dogs with mast cell tumors have a history of allergies. Dogs with mast cell tumors need a low-carbohydrate, hypoallergenic diet and should avoid ingredients that can weaken immunity and increase the likelihood of another mast cell tumor recurring. Beef, poultry and grains (rice, barley, wheat) can be allergens for many dogs, so it is best to limit or avoid. Starchy carbohydrates found in dry food diets can increase cortisol levels and inflammation. Research has shown the importance of omega 3s for dogs with cancer, so adding baked fish, such as salmon, along with fish oil can be helpful.

Raw frozen diets are the gold standard in providing fresh nutrients for pets and are low in carbohydrates. Raw frozen diets include vegetables and omega 3s which are helpful for pets with cancer. A dog cancer diet should also include vegetables such as green beans, squash (butternut, zucchini, yellow squash), leafy greens, okra and artichoke hearts.

Ask Ariel Pet Nutritionist Susan Davis’ dog cancer diets were developed while working as a holistic pet nutritionist at VCA hospitals and a leading Southern California veterinary oncology clinic for over 10 years. Please provide your dog’s diet on the order form at checkout. Ask Ariel will include a mast cell tumor dog diet on the packing slip that comes with your order.

Additional Natural Treatment for Mast Cell Tumors In Dogs

If your dog is diagnosed with a mast cell tumor (MCT), a holistic approach with diet changes and supplements can be used along with conventional treatments prescribed by your veterinarian to support your dog's immune system and prevent recurrence. Ask Ariel has extensive experience helping dogs with mast cell tumors using hypoallergenic, low-carbohydrate diets and natural supplements. MCT supplements for dogs include: AllerEaze, Happy Paws Organic Hemp Extract CBD Oil, Immune Harmony, Amazing Omegas, Curcumin Complex for Pets and Resveratrol for Dogs. These products help control the histamine response, fight cancer and reduce inflammation, which reduces recurrences. Mast cell tumors have a high likelihood of recurring, so it is very important to try to help control recurrences using the appropriate diet and supplement regimen.

Power Probiotic - Power Probiotic is the best probiotic for pets! Backed by scientific research, this powerful multi-strain formula promotes the growth of good bacteria, supporting a healthy immune system. Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in different parts of your dog’s body such as the intestines, mouth, skin and sinus cavity. Good bacteria are not only essential for your dog’s digestive system but for their overall immune health. Probiotic supplements can reduce skin sensitivity and promote the balance of healthy bacteria on the skin to reduce inflammation. Power Probiotic is essential if your dog has taken antibiotics or steroids, which can kill off healthy bacteria, weakening your pet's immune response. Pure, safe and natural, Power Probiotic does not contain any fillers. Most pets love the taste!

OncoPet Cancer Vitamin - A broad-spectrum blend of herbs and medicinal mushrooms that provide powerful immune support. The natural ingredients in OncoPet contain polyphenols, beta-glucans and antioxidants, like D-fraction and L-ergothioneine, that boost the immune system and help regulate your dog's inflammatory response. OncoPet is a comprehensive dog cancer vitamin that also includes herbs to help balance the gut microbiome and reduce nausea and cancer-related fatigue. Combines well with MCT in dogs treatments from your veterinarian or veterinary oncologist. Helps pets handle chemotherapy and radiation. Excellent value. One bottle lasts up to 8 months for small dogs.

K9 CurcuMagic - K9 CurcuMagic contains all three curcuminoids along with turmeric essential oil for maximum effectiveness. This science-based antioxidant reduces oxidative damage from free radicals. K9 CurcuMagic is essential for dogs with cancer, as it supports a healthy immune response, has cancer-fighting properties and provides a critical antioxidant. Curcumin's benefit for cancer patients is being heavily researched and the cancer-fighting nutrients in this unique bioactive turmeric formula may help inhibit cancer tumor growth. Using a combination of K9 CurcuMagic and Resveratrol for Dogs as a PREVENTATIVE if you have a dog prone to mast cell tumors or cancer is an excellent strategy. K9 CurcuMagic absorbs best when digested with fat, especially omega-3 fatty acids (Amazing Omegas), which is why our clients use the two mast cell tumor supplements together. If your dog is undergoing radiation, curcumin can protect the skin.

Amazing Omegas - This is the highest-quality purified fish oil available for pets. It is a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids to help your dog fight cancer. The highly therapeutic amount of omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation. Omega-3s are critical for immune and nervous system function. Amazing Omegas is a purified fish oil made from sardines, anchovies and mackerel. Processed with minimal heat to preserve the oil in a highly bioavailable form, which means increased absorption. It's packed in glass bottles to prevent any chemicals from plastic leaching into the oil. Naturally processed with all toxins and heavy metals carefully removed. Scientific research has shown the benefits of omega 3s for pets with cancer. This supplement helps pets with allergies and skin problems too. Compare the nutrient panel of this premium pet fish oil to all other brands and see the difference.

Resveratrol for Dogs - Resveratrol is an exceptional antioxidant backed by research and can help your dog in so many ways. Resveratrol is a cancer support and preventative (use with dog breeds that have a higher incidence of cancer, such as bichon frises, German shepherds, Labradors, golden retrievers, boxers). It acts on the process of carcinogenesis by affecting all three phases - tumor initiation, promotion and progression - and suppresses the final steps of carcinogenesis. Resveratrol is cardio-protective (excellent for breeds prone to heart issues, such as Cavalier King Charles spaniels, poodles, dachshunds). Very important if your pet is undergoing radiation. Energizing, promotes longevity. Excellent for senior dogs. Resveratrol for Dogs also supports immune function.

Boston Terrier With Mast Cell Tumors Is Doing Great Years Later

"My precious Boston Terrier, Marcie had 3 mast cell tumors removed at age 7. One of the tumors had become a grade 2. After reading the pathology report and various other articles, I was terrified of what might happen. MCT is common for Boston Terriers. She's my baby and I will do anything I can to give her the best and all she needs.

I ordered several products from the Ask Ariel website which I have been using for several years now. Other than a couple of changes in protein sources, which is necessary with dogs with serious allergies, my baby is amazing. Everybody that meets her is in awe of her beauty and comment on the glow of her coat which I attribute to Amazing Omegas. They cannot believe that she is nine years old and has puppy energy!

I thank God each day He gives me to love her. Marcie's recent bloodwork results were awesome. I know it would not be possible without Ask Ariel's help. I highly recommend their expertise and products." - Kim, Florida

Some Of The Products Marcie Used: Amazing Omegas for Pets, Resveratrol For Dogs, AllerEaze, K9 Digestive Enzymes and Immune Harmony.

Shop Mast Cell Tumor Dog Supplements

Originally published Dec 11, 2023
Updated May 16, 2024
Written by: Susan Davis, Pet Health Nutritionist, CCN
All pet treatment protocols and pet treatment supplements have been reviewed and approved by a veterinarian