Immune Harmony for Pets
60 capsules
Excellent Value: 1 bottle lasts between 2–6 months depending on the size of your pet.
High-Potency: Contains 280 mg plant sterols for dogs and cats vs. 20 mg in comparable pet brands.
What Is Immune Harmony for Pets?
Immune Harmony is a unique patented plant sterol supplement that acts as a daily immune vitamin for dogs and cats and helps to regulate their immune system. Immune Harmony is helpful for pets with autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergies, viruses, chronic infections and more. Well tolerated by small pets.
How Immune Harmony Works
Immune Harmony works by regulating your pet's immune system, ensuring it functions at an optimal level.
Weak Immune Response: Boosts immune function to help fight chronic infections.
Overactive Immune System: Calms the immune system in cases of autoimmune diseases and allergies.
Plant sterols for dogs and cats have been scientifically tested in numerous studies. Immune Harmony is the only supplement that provides 280 mg of plant sterols, along with a special blend of natural ingredients designed to improve absorption and retention of the sterols and antioxidants. It also includes an essential fatty acid complex from flaxseed, which supports the digestive system and enhances the effectiveness of these nutrients.
How Do the Ingredients in Immune Harmony Help To Rebalance And Support the Immune System?
Plant sterols, also called phytosterols, are natural compounds found in plant cell membranes. Our plant sterol supplement for dogs and cats has an immune balancing effect. Studies performed in the United States and worldwide have found the plant sterols contained in Immune Harmony to be effective at preventing disease and maintaining health. The research indicates that beta sitosterol for dogs has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immunomodulatory properties*. “Immunomodulatory” means to regulate or balance the immune system. Beta sitosterol for dogs and cats can activate T-cells (immune cells) and natural killer cells if the pet has a weak immune system. These cells fight foreign organisms that invade the body and also fight cancerous cells. On the other hand, if the immune system is overactive, as is the case with allergies or autoimmune disorders, beta sitosterol for dogs and cats can calm it down. *Reference: Research study: Plant sterols: factors affecting their efficacy and safety as functional food ingredients. Lipids Health Dis. 2004; 3: 5. Alvin Berger, Peter JH Jones, and Suhad S Abumweis.
Key Benefits of Immune Harmony For Pets
Autoimmune Support: Ideal for pets with autoimmune diseases, Immune Harmony helps maintain immune balance and improve inflammatory responses associated with these conditions. Helpful for a range of autoimmune diseases, from cats with stomatitis to dogs with lupus.
Cancer Support: The plant sterols in Immune Harmony have been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. They boost natural killer cells, potentially inhibiting tumor growth and spread.
Chronic Infections: Speeds up a pet's ability to combat infections by increasing T-cell activity and reducing inflammation.
Allergies: Plant sterols help keep your pet's skin healthy by calming down inflammation, like redness and itching, and supporting the skin's protective barrier.
Viruses: Plant sterols help to activate T-cells and natural killer cells to fight virus-infected cells. Helps to reduce inflammation caused by viral infections.
Perianal Fistula Relief: Modulates immune function and reduces inflammation, potentially providing relief for pets with perianal fistulas.
If your pet is suffering from chronic infections, cancer or an autoimmune condition, using Immune Harmony as immune support for cats and dogs should be a core component of your pet’s health regimen.
"Gavin is a 7-year-old Scottish Terrier who has been my buddy since a puppy. A couple of months before he turned 3, he became listless, had a high temperature, drinking more water than usual and no appetite to eat. He was hospitalized for 3 days at a Specialty Veterinary Hospital where tests were done to rule out various issues. To help him recover he was on a variety of pills. The specialty doctors still could not figure out what was wrong with him for a couple of months eventually concluding that he was diagnosed as having “Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis (IMPA)”. I wanted him off all the medication and researched for a more homeopathic way to heal. I decided on the website “Ask Ariel”. I have ordered various products eventually using up to 7 products on a regular basis going on 4 years. Gavin is doing very well!" - Lisa, California
Gavin uses Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, AllerEaze, K9 Yeast Defense, NOT Drops and Amazing Omegas.
#1 Choice For Pets With Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body. Some studies have shown that plant sterols may help modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation*, which could potentially benefit individuals with autoimmune conditions. Cat owners have used Immune Harmony for autoimmune conditions such as stomatitis, pillow paw, rodent ulcers, and more. Dogs with autoimmune conditions such as lupus, thrombocytopenia, Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis (IMPA), and more have seen clinical improvement (see testimonials below) when using Immune Harmony.
*Reference: Beyond cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterols: clinical evidence of anti-inflammatory properties. Nutrition Reviews. Volume 69, Issue 7, 1 July 2011, Pages 371–382. Rgia A Othman, Mohammed H Moghadasian.
"We wanted to let you know how well the Immune Harmony has been working for Cody, our 5 year old spaniel/border collie mix. Cody has autoimmune thrombocytopenia (his immune system attacks his platelets). He developed this in the Spring of 2008 which was about four months after we rescued him. He had to take Prednisone and Azathioprine for months to get it under control. Then we had to take him off the Azathioprine because it started affecting his liver enzymes. We slowly reduced the Prednisone to get him to the lowest dose that would keep him in remission. This kept his platelet counts between 80,000 and 120,000 which were considered adequate. The low end of the normal range for platelets is between 175,000 and 200,000 depending on the testing lab. We wanted his platelets to be as close to the normal range as possible so we didn’t have to worry about a relapse. Your site suggested Immune Harmony.
After we started giving him the Immune Harmony in Dec 2009, his platelet counts have been in the range of 160,000 to 185,000 when we have his periodic blood tests done. His most recent one which was two weeks ago was 185,000. We, as well as our vet, are thrilled with this. And, we know for a fact that it is the Immune Harmony making a difference. Because of the cost of the Immune Harmony, my husband wanted to be sure it was really working. Without my knowledge, there was a period of time before a blood test that he gave Cody the Immune Harmony only 3 times a week. When the blood test came back with results like we had been seeing before putting Cody on Immune Harmony, I just couldn’t figure out what happened and why his count had gone down. My husband told me he hadn’t been consistently giving it to Cody every day. Once he was back on the Immune Harmony daily, Cody’s counts were back up. This along with 2 ½ mg of Prednisone every other day, which is a minimal amount, has kept Cody from having a relapse. The Immune Harmony may be expensive, but it is well worth every penny to see Cody doing so well. Thank you, Susan, for keeping Cody healthy. It is wonderful working with you and your amazing staff." - Pat, Pennsylvania
Plant Sterols For Dogs And Cats With Cancer
The plant sterols and antioxidants in Immune Harmony reduce inflammation and boosts "natural killer cells". Pets with cancer usually have high inflammatory blood markers. Inflammation can fuel tumor growth and cancer spread in pets. Immune Harmony helps to reduce inflammatory markers. Scientific research also suggests that plant sterols create activity in T-cells, the "natural killer cells" that destroy cancer cells. The phytosterols help normalize the functioning of T-cells which results in increased killer cell activity.*
*Reference: Research study: Plant Sterols and Sterolins: A Review of Their Immune-Modulating Properties. Altern Med Rev. 1999 Jun;4(3):170-7. Patrick J.D. Bouic, PhD and Johan H. Lamprecht, MD.
Immune Support For Pets With Chronic Infections
Plant sterols can help cats and dogs with chronic infections by boosting immune function, reducing inflammation, and balancing the immune system. These natural compounds enhance the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, which are crucial for identifying and destroying infected cells. Plant sterols have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce prolonged inflammation caused by chronic infections. Immune Harmony an effective supplement for managing and preventing chronic infections in pets.
Can Help Cats & Dogs With Allergies
Allergies in pets often result from an overactive immune system reacting to harmless substances like pollen, dust, or certain foods. Plant sterols, particularly beta-sitosterol for dogs and cats, have immunomodulatory properties that help balance the immune system. This means they can calm an overactive immune response, reducing symptoms such as itching, redness, and inflammation. Immune Harmony contains essential fatty acids extracted from flaxseed to help pets maintain skin and coat health.
"This is Pumpkin, who has been using your supplements (Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, QUENT Drops / NOT Drops and Silver Immune Support), for about 8 months or more. He has Stomatitis, rodent ulcers, and many autoimmune issues. He has not had ANY flare ups since using the products, switching his food, and taking him off steroids which the Vet kept him on. Again, I thank you more than anything... He is my angel, and you have given me the chance at giving him the healthy life he deserves. Thank you." - Cassandra, Florida
Helps Manage Symptoms Of Feline Viruses
Plant sterols for cats can help to boost an underactive immune response. When pets have a chronic viral condition, they have a weakened immune system from the constant pressure of fighting the virus. These natural compounds, particularly beta-sitosterol, boost the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, which identify and destroy virus-infected cells. By strengthening these cells, plant sterols may help control and reduce the viral load in cats, supporting their ability to fight off infections more effectively. A research study involving cats with FIV concluded that plant sterols helped infected cats maintain stable immune numbers, whereas cats that received the placebo showed disease progression.*
*Reference: Research study: Plant Sterols and Sterolins: A Review of Their Immune-Modulating Properties. Altern Med Rev. 1999 Jun;4(3):170-7. Patrick J.D. Bouic, PhD and Johan H. Lamprecht, MD.
Beneficial For Dogs With Perianal Fistulas
Perianal fistulas in dogs are painful, ulcerated tracts or tunnels that form around the anus. These tracts can be deep and may extend inward, causing discomfort and inflammation. Dogs with perianal fistulas often experience symptoms such as pain, swelling, redness, discharge, and difficulty or discomfort during bowel movements. Perianal fistulas involve immune system dysfunction and chronic inflammation. Plant sterols modulate immune function and reduce inflammation, which could potentially have a positive impact on perianal fistulas.
Immune Harmony for Pets Ingredients:
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Total Phytosterols (from non-GMO soy) 280 mg
Plant Phytosterols 163 mg
Beta Sitosterol 117 mg
Cellasate™ (essential fatty acid complex) 50 mg
Grape Seed Extract (90% proanthocyanidins) 50 mg
Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose capsule, silica, stearic acid
NON-GMO, No Gluten, No Fillers, Made In A Canadian GMP* Compliant Facility
*GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
Contains: Plant sterols with antioxidants and an essential fatty acid complex. Derived from non-genetically modified soy, grapeseed extract, fruit extracts, oil producing seeds, and essential fatty acids extracted from flaxseed:
Cellasate™: This is a proprietary blend of proteins, amino acids and essential fatty acids (EFA) from flaxseed extract, together with short-chain peptides and proline-rich polypeptides. This unique blend increases the bioavailability of the phytosterols and antioxidants. Cellasate™ also functions as a beneficial immune modulator.
Grape Seed Extract: European grape seed extract from France is the antioxidant component of Immune Harmony. It is in the highest tier of antioxidants available and contains the highest molecular weight of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) in the industry. This ingredient reduces free-radical damage and is extracted without the use of chemical solvents.
A unique antioxidant complex derived from a patented aqueous extraction process of French grapeseed extract. This antioxidant contains an unrivaled molecular weight of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). These are extracted without the use of chemical solvents, using pure water. The superior phytonutrient cellular cleansing technology and immunological constituents of this unique ingredient together create a truly scientifically advanced product. Scientific evidence has established that polyphenols are essential to proper human nutrition and may play a role in preventing degenerative conditions by enhancing the immune system.
"My boy, Wrigley, takes the Immune Harmony for his autoimmune disease and it has helped him tremendously! It helps balance his immune system and keep it under control. Thank you for a great product!" - Jennifer, Utah
"This is Pumpkin, who has been using your supplements (Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, QUENT Drops / NOT Drops and Silver Immune Support), for about 8 months or more. He has Stomatitis, rodent ulcers, and many autoimmune issues. He has not had ANY flare ups since using the products, switching his food, and taking him off steroids which the Vet kept him on. Again, I thank you more than anything... He is my angel, and you have given me the chance at giving him the healthy life he deserves. Thank you." - Cassandra, Florida
"I am convinced that Ask Ariel’s products improved my dog’s quality of life and helped give me extra time with her. Annie was a beautiful and spirited poodle mix whom I rescued from the local shelter when she was estimated to be age 13 or 14. I went on to enjoy many adventures with her over the next 3.5 years. Annie braved three surgeries (inguinal hernia removal, mast cell tumor removal, and a splenectomy), cirrhosis of the liver, renal disease, and suspected cancer at the very end.
I tried numerous diets and products while caring for Annie, but I always returned to Ask Ariel’s supplements. She just seemed to do better while using them. Additionally, I felt confident that Susan Davis of Ask Ariel had extensively vetted her products. I could trust that they were potent and effective. Shipping was fast and communications with the Ask Ariel team were always timely and on-point.
Annie used the following Ask Ariel supplements at various times with impressive results: AllerEaze for Pets, Power Probiotic (a daily must-have, even in the absence of disease), Immune Harmony, Kidney Health - Protein Support For Pets, Liver & Gallbladder Supplement For Pets, Lypozyme, NotaSAN Anti-Infection Formula, OxiCell SE for Pets, Resveratrol for Dogs.
I have found that most veterinarians are not trained to make recommendations on nutrition and non-prescription supplementation. I have learned a lot just by reading Ask Ariel’s website and blog posts. Thanks to high-quality nutrition and Ask Ariel’s products, Annie thrived. We enjoyed many happy and healthy days together. Next year I hope to adopt another dog and use Ask Ariel’s supplements again for my pet’s optimal health and wellness." - Kelly Nardoni, Author, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow: Love and Hope From A Senior Rescue Dog, www.kellynardoni.com
Puma in Her Favorite Spot
"Ask Ariel has been an absolute life saver for my sweet cat, Puma. I’m so blessed to have found this awesome company online during a desperate search for quality holistic supplements for pets. During the past two years, Puma has been plagued with various health issues (immune system disease, bladder issues, asthma, and a malignant mast cell tumor in her small intestine that has metastasized into her lymph nodes. I purchased your following products and use them on an alternating basis: Silver Support, Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, Immune Support Kit, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, AllerEaze, and Happy Paws Drops. The supplements have significantly alleviated Puma’s illnesses. Besides my present cat, over the years I’ve had three others that have passed on as well as two beloved dogs. I often wonder if I had known about your company’s products when they were living, if they’d still be here today. I LOVE your products and their effectiveness and recommend them to everyone with ailing pets. Lastly but certainly not least, your customer service is extremely helpful, caring, personable, and top notch." - Carol, Ohio
"Finnick uses most of Ask Ariel's allergy and yeast products. We’ve been using Ask Ariel products for 10+ years... We love your products!" - Jenny, California
"We rescued Luna, a mini pitty, from the streets of Brooklyn in September 2013. She was approximately three years old. Luna was diagnosed with a Mast Cell tumor in July 2015, and surgery was done in early August 2015. I placed Luna on several supplements including Immune Harmony and Reservatrol for Dogs, which she continues to take ongoing. Thank God, she has been healthy with no recurrence. Luna now lives a happy life with her stepsisters Sadie, and Kat, as well as stepbrothers, Wayne, and Cisco." - Laura, New York
"My precious Boston Terrier, Marcie had 3 mast cell tumors removed at age 7. One of the tumors had become a grade 2. After reading the pathology report and various other articles, I was terrified of what might happen. She's my baby and I will do anything I can to give her the best and all she needs. I ordered several products from the AskAriel.com website which I have been using for several years now. Other than a couple of changes in protein sources, which is necessary with dogs with serious allergies, my baby is amazing. Everybody that meets her is in awe of her beauty and comment on the glow of her coat which I attribute to Amazing Omegas. They cannot believe that she is nine years old and has puppy energy! I thank God each day He gives me to love her. Marcie's recent bloodwork results were awesome. I know it would not be possible without Susan's help. I highly recommend her expertise and products." - Kim, Florida
Supplements that have helped Marcie include: Amazing Omegas for Pets, Resveratrol For Dogs, AllerEaze, K9 Digestive Enzymes, and Immune Harmony.
Max & Sasha
"I adopted my 2 kitties, Max and Sasha, who had been neglected in their previous home. I took them to the vet and found out that Max was suffering from a severe case of stomatitis and Sasha also had a mild case of stomatitis. For almost a year, Max suffered through rounds of antibiotics and steroid shots, trying to calm his symptoms just so he'd be able to eat.
Then I found Ask Ariel, where I read the section about stomatitis. I received a food recommendation from Ask Ariel that I was able to find in my local pet store. I also started daily giving the kitties Power Probiotic, Immune Harmony and QUENT Drops. A year later, the kitties visited the vet and she was thoroughly impressed with Max and Sasha. She said she didn't see anything unusual... no redness, no sores, no buildup on the teeth or anything!
I now have two of the happiest kitties on the planet! Thanks for coming up with such amazing products!" - Angie, Louisiana
"We love Immune Harmony for our cat, Rocky. He gets Immune Harmony in his baby food (onion-free) every afternoon. He actually looks forward to this little treat. He is doing great!" - Steve & Deborah, North Carolina
"I just wanted to thank you guys for your great service and great products. Our Vet was telling us that we were looking at a very expensive surgery and a full tooth extraction for my cat Pete and that they didn’t know what was causing his stomatitis and it was the only thing they could do to fix it. The antibiotics they gave us weren’t working. Not only did you get me your products immediately, my cat seems to have made a full recovery in 2 weeks. The Vet didn’t tell us Stomatitis was an autoimmune disease, diet related or anything else. You and your website told me that and I believe it was your products (Immune Support Kit, Immune Harmony and Happy Paws Drops) and knowledge of a diet change that made the entire difference. My family can not thank you guys enough! Pete seems to be back to his normal self and we are just so thankful!" - Ryan, Virginia
"We wanted to let you know how well the Immune Harmony has been working for Cody, our 5 year old spaniel/border collie mix. Cody has autoimmune thrombocytopenia (his immune system attacks his platelets). He developed this in the Spring of 2008 which was about four months after we rescued him. He had to take Prednisone and Azathioprine for months to get it under control. Then we had to take him off the Azathioprine because it started affecting his liver enzymes. We slowly reduced the Prednisone to get him to the lowest dose that would keep him in remission. This kept his platelet counts between 80,000 and 120,000 which were considered adequate. The low end of the normal range for platelets is between 175,000 and 200,000 depending on the testing lab. We wanted his platelets to be as close to the normal range as possible so we didn’t have to worry about a relapse. Your site suggested Immune Harmony.
After we started giving him the Immune Harmony in Dec 2009, his platelet counts have been in the range of 160,000 to 185,000 when we have his periodic blood tests done. His most recent one which was two weeks ago was 185,000. We, as well as our vet, are thrilled with this. And, we know for a fact that it is the Immune Harmony making a difference. Because of the cost of the Immune Harmony, my husband wanted to be sure it was really working. Without my knowledge, there was a period of time before a blood test that he gave Cody the Immune Harmony only 3 times a week. When the blood test came back with results like we had been seeing before putting Cody on Immune Harmony, I just couldn’t figure out what happened and why his count had gone down. My husband told me he hadn’t been consistently giving it to Cody every day. Once he was back on the Immune Harmony daily, Cody’s counts were back up. This along with 2 ½ mg of Prednisone every other day, which is a minimal amount, has kept Cody from having a relapse. The Immune Harmony may be expensive, but it is well worth every penny to see Cody doing so well. Thank you, Susan, for keeping Cody healthy. It is wonderful working with you and your amazing staff." - Pat, Pennsylvania
"I just recently reordered some Immune Harmony for my 3-year-old cat Maple who is benefiting extremely well from this product along with probiotics. His stomatitis has virtually gone away and I can’t thank you enough for helping him. I’ve been giving him this product for a few years now and it’s amazing!" - Sabrina, Florida
"We adopted Trixie from the Animal Rescue League and loved her from first sight! She was so tiny! Fit in the palm of my hand & was a little stinker as a kitten. Always in things she shouldn’t be, but always so cute, it was hard to be mad. At her first annual appointment, I had told our vet that I was noticing she had bad breath and was a bit lethargic. After checking her mouth, I was told she had Stomatitis. I have had cats all my life and had never heard of this. After discussing treatment options which included steroid shots to extracting all her teeth, I was overwhelmed. How could this be happening? How did this cutie pie develop an autoimmune disease that could be that life altering? I remember discussing the recommendations with my husband with tears running down my face. I told him that I felt helpless & needed to figure out an option.
I spent 4 hours Saturday morning scouring the internet to educate myself and look for options. I found AskAriel. I had to read the website information twice (omg – did I really find something?!?) and decided to give it a try as I wasn’t finding anything else. I felt hope! Trixie takes Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief (she developed runny stools), Immune Harmony, NOT Drops and QUENT Drops. As she started feeling better, I finally looked at her gums. The AskAriel treatment was working! Subsequent vet visits confirm her Stomatitis is under control and recommend teeth cleaning as needed. Unbelievable – we went from one extreme to an average cat check up! AskAriel has been so helpful during our journey, I am thankful we found them! I don’t think this is a business for them, I believe they truly care and want to help with information & alternative options. I hope Trixie’s story will help others in a similar situation. There is hope and a solution for a better life for your fur baby!" - Jill, Iowa
"This is Eddie showing off his lovely paw. He has been taking Power Probiotic and Immune Harmony since he had a terrible reaction to vaccinations which apparently made his immune system go haywire. He initially had a high prolonged fever and was on pain medication, fever reducer, and antibiotics. I started giving him QUENT Drops & NOT Drops and within a week the fever was gone. Then he developed pillow paw and winky eye and could barely walk so we started the Power Probiotic and Immune Harmony and again within the week his eyes were clear and paws back to normal. He’s a very special boy. He was found as a kitten injured and on the center stripe of a lonely two lane blacktop. He’s been with me now for close to 10 years and thankfully back to his healthy and charming self. Thanks so much!" - Melinda, Texas
"Princess is my best friend, the light and love of my life. She has always been a good sized cat, weighing between 11 and 12 lbs. In June of 2013, I noticed that she seemed very light in my arms and that I could feel her ribs and spine. She was diagnosed with hypercalcium and only weighed 8.46 lbs. Her vet explained to me that the elevated calcium level is an indicator for feline lymphoma and discussed with me options for further bloodwork and chemotherapy. At the time, I couldn't afford any kind of treatment for her. I cried for an entire day.
The following day, I got myself together and looked at the reality: Princess wasn't sick. We contacted Ask Ariel and ordered her the Power Probiotic and immune support supplements. She started taking the supplements once daily, and man, does she hate it! I have to add everything to water and syringe it down her throat each day while she fights me...but I have seen such an improvement. Within a month, she was feeling more solid, her coat was shinier and her eyes were brighter. She was playing more and just in general acting better.
After about three months of the supplements, I took her back to the vet and had her full blood panel repeated. Her calcium had dropped back into the normal range! Her A/G Ratio had lowered but was still borderline high, and her cholesterol was down. Her monocytes were back into the normal range also. But her platelet count ALT levels, creatinine levels, bilirubin were all low. So we added NOT Drops and Immune Harmony into her "cocktail" and again, I've seen improvements. She was back to the vet in mid-March, and all of her levels were looking good again, and best yet, she had started gaining weight again!
My Princess is 12 years old and she is just as lovable as ever. Thank you so much Ask Ariel for all of your help. I credit you whenever possible to keeping my baby healthy :)." - E. Cooper, Michigan
"This is our sweet Daisy girl! Daisy had a severe case of stomatitis that would not clear up. I found and reached out to Ask Ariel on their recommendations. Daisy took the QUENT Drops, NOT Drops and Immune Harmony. I also changed Daisy's diet to a grain-free rabbit diet per Ask Ariel Your Pet Nutritionist's tips and info. Daisy is now like a new cat. She is not drooling, not in pain and is able to eat her food with ease! Thank you for helping our sweet girl live a normal, happy and healthy life." - Brittany, Pennsylvania
"Gavin is a 7-year-old Scottish Terrier who has been my buddy since a puppy. A couple of months before he turned 3, he became listless, had a high temperature, drinking more water than usual and no appetite to eat. He was hospitalized for 3 days at a Specialty Veterinary Hospital where tests were done to rule out various issues. To help him recover he was on a variety of pills. The specialty doctors still could not figure out what was wrong with him for a couple of months eventually concluding that he was diagnosed as having “Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis (IMPA)”. I wanted him off all the medication and researched for a more homeopathic way to heal. I decided on the website “Ask Ariel”. I have ordered various products eventually using up to 7 products on a regular basis going on 4 years. Gavin is doing very well!" - Lisa, California
Gavin uses the following products from Ask Ariel: Immune Harmony, Power Probiotic, AllerEaze, K9 Yeast Defense, NOT Drops and Amazing Omegas.
