How to Treat Dog UTI Infections (Works for Cats Too)
Urinary tract infections are among the most common health issues seen in both dogs and cats. Conventional veterinary treatment often includes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.
Once a pet has the first urinary tract infection (UTI), repeat infections are common, so maintaining a balanced pH is the key to a healthy urinary tract. Combined with recommended veterinary treatment and a healthy diet, using home remedies and natural supplements can ensure that your pet maintains a healthy urinary pH to stop the endless cycle of chronic bladder infections.
Symptoms of UTI & Bladder Infections
Bladder infections and UTIs in dogs and cats are common. A UTI typically occurs when bacteria enter the urethral opening and move up the urinary tract to the bladder. Other underlying issues such as bladder cancer and kidney stones can make your pet more susceptible to getting a UTI.
Common symptoms of a UTI in dogs and cats may include:
- Frequent urination
- Difficulty urinating
- Smelly or cloudy urine
- Dog peeing blood or cat peeing blood
- Excessive water intake
- Excessive licking of the genitals
- Accidents in the house or urinating outside the litter box
Causes A Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs & Cats
A UTI typically occurs when bacteria enter the urethral opening and move up the urinary tract to the bladder. Pets can be more susceptible to getting a UTI if they have:
- Had a prior UTI
- Diabetes
- Bladder cancer
- Bladder or kidney stones
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
- Allergies or yeast (with chronic licking)
- Interstitial Cystitis
Your veterinarian will run laboratory tests that can determine the cause of the UTI as well as the best medication to treat it.
The Best Diet For Cat and Dog UTI Prevention
Pets with urinary tract problems need a special diet that supports a healthy immune system and reduces inflammation. When you are looking for an effective UTI dog natural treatment, note that dog bladder infection symptoms can improve with diet changes and natural remedies. Feeding a hypoallergenic, low-carbohydrate diet with a novel protein is helpful. Many quality pet foods, even "holistic brands," contain too many starchy carbohydrates that convert to sugar, weakening your pet's immune system. When ordering supplements, please be sure to include the food and treats you are feeding your pet along with any health issues directly on the order form at checkout. We will include FREE diet tips for pets with urinary issues on the packing slip that comes with your order.
Important note: Pets with a history of bladder stones need careful management, especially if the pet has had calcium stones, stones that grow in an acidic pH or a genetic proclivity to develop stones. Ask Ariel recommends working with your veterinarian for the best diet, as a natural, holistic approach may be contraindicated.
Urinalysis Vs. Urine Culture - What's The Difference?
In order to treat a UTI your vet will typically recommend one of these two tests. They sound very similar but are very different. With both a urinalysis and urine culture, your vet will collect a sample of urine to run laboratory tests on your pet.
Urinalysis for Diagnosing UTIs
A urinalysis can provide general information about kidney and bladder health and can detect if your pet has a urinary tract infection. Common signs of a UTI can include frequent urination, increased water consumption and/or blood in the urine. Your vet will check the concentration (specific gravity) and urinary pH (acidic or alkaline) of the urine. A urinalysis can also detect substances such as proteins, sugars, bilirubin, blood and ketones that are not normally present in healthy urine. These can be a sign of health issues such as decreased kidney or liver function, diabetes or other disease. A microscopic evaluation of the sediment from the urine sample can show the presence of bacteria, crystals or stones. A urinalysis is also routinely used to check for a urinary tract infection. The test can indicate an infection, but cannot identify the specific bacterial organism causing the infection.
Urine Culture for Diagnosing UTIs
That’s where the urine culture becomes necessary. When a dog or cat has repeat UTIs, it is important to determine what antibiotic will be effective. A urine culture is done by placing a sample of urine on a special medium and allowing bacteria to grow. After a few days, the type of bacteria can be identified. The lab will then run a sensitivity test to see what antibiotic can be used to resolve the infection.
Laboratory testing can provide valuable insight into the health of your cat or dog. When performing standard laboratory testing, including a CBC (complete blood count) and urinalysis, as part of an annual exam, it can help your vet can stay on top of any changes in your pet’s health.
What Can You Do For A Dog (or Cat) With A UTI?
The immune system of most puppies is not fully developed until 14 months of age. They can get into a lot of trouble before reaching maturity. Puppies are more susceptible to most types of infections since the immune system is weak.
In our experience, every puppy can benefit from Power Probiotic and the Immune Support Kit to help fight infection and enhance overall immunity.
Puppies need to urinate frequently because their bladder is so small and fills up quickly. It is very important to give them extra potty breaks. When urine sits in the bladder, it can breed bacteria. The symptoms of a UTI in puppies can be difficult to spot, as they are still learning about bladder control and potty training. Puppies with a urinary tract infection may strain to pee, they may arch their backs, cry or whine because of pain, or they might not be able to go at all.
Encouraging your puppy to drink a lot of water can help to prevent and treat an infection of the urinary tract or bladder because it helps to flush toxins through the body.
Other Urinary and Bladder Issues Common in Dogs and Cats
When you’re dealing with a UTI, there are other concerns or health issues that can present in your dog or cat where veterinary intervention, recommended diet changes, and preventative pet supplements can help.
Urinary Incontinence In Dogs & Cats
Urinary incontinence is often thought to be part of the aging process. It is true that many older dogs can have the condition, but it can affect dogs of any age. There are certain conditions that can contribute to dogs losing control of their bladder (including kidney disease, endocrine disorders and cognitive dysfunction disorders), but it could also be caused by a low-level infection. Common symptoms of urinary incontinence in pets may include:
- Excessive licking of the genitals
- Yellowish or clear vaginal discharge
- Strong urine smell in pet's sleeping area
Frequent Urinary Tract Infections & Diabetes
Urinary tract infections are common in cats and dogs with diabetes. Diabetes weakens immunity so pets with diabetes are more prone to various infections. However, diabetic pets accumulate excess sugar in the blood which is filtered by the kidneys into the urine. The excess sugar in the urine, attracts bacteria and creates an ideal environment for a urinary tract infection. Concentrated urine contains chemicals that help kill bacteria but pets with diabetes will have more dilute urine due to drinking more frequently. Diabetic pets may not show signs of a UTI the way that a nondiabetic pet would so it's important to have your pet's urine checked regularly. Left untreated, bacteria from the bladder can travel to the kidneys, causing more severe urinary tract problems.
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
When the bladder is not able to empty correctly, your cat may be diagnosed with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which is a term used to describe a variety of conditions that affect the bladder and urethra. The most common conditions include infections, inflammation, idiopathic cystitis, urolithiasis (stones) and urethral obstruction (plugs).
While FLUTD can occur at any age, it is usually seen in middle-aged, overweight cats that get little exercise, use an indoor litter box, have little or no outdoor access and tend to eat a dry diet. Factors such as emotional or environmental stress, a multi-cat household and abrupt changes in daily routine may also increase the risk that a cat will develop FLUTD. If you suspect a urinary tract problem, it is important for you to seek veterinary care and find the underlying cause. Your veterinarian will usually conduct a physical exam and order a urinalysis, a urine culture, blood work and possibly X-rays and ultrasounds.
Common symptoms of FLUTD may include:
- Urinating outside the box
- Straining to urinate
- Frequent trips to the litter box
- Excessive licking of the genitals
- Visible blood in the litter box
Bladder Stones and Crystals
Bladder stones are the result of minerals accumulating in the bladder. They can lead to urinary tract infections and blockage. When pets have an unresolved urinary tract infection, an X-ray or ultrasound may be used to search for bladder stones. Treatment of bladder stones may involve surgical removal of the stones.
Crystals in normal feline and canine urinary tracts may be harmless because the crystals are typically eliminated before they grow large enough to interfere with urinary function. They form when there is an imbalance in the urinary pH. Different types of crystals form depending upon whether the urine is too acidic or too alkaline. They may cause pain and may indicate a higher risk for bladder and kidney infections. Crystals are diagnosed through urinalysis. Treatment is done with drug therapy and diet changes.
Interstitial Cystitis in Cats and Dogs
Interstitial cystitis in cats and dogs is a condition in which the bladder wall becomes inflamed and may even hemorrhage. No sooner do you finish a round of antibiotics than your pet starts showing the common signs of discomfort, which can include frequent urination, straining to urinate, waking up in the middle of the night to urinate, arching the back, urinating outside the litter box and/or blood in the urine. Some pets may develop urinary incontinence on a regular basis.
With interstitial cystitis, there may be an infection or the start of infection, and sometimes there may be no infection at all. Your pet’s bladder and urinary system may have a great deal of inflammation and quite possibly infection, which can become very hard to treat and very uncomfortable for your pet. Conventional veterinary treatment for interstitial cystitis in cats and dogs involves the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Depending upon other factors that may be involved, your veterinarian may also recommend that your pet be put on a special diet that controls the pH of its urine.
Recommended Treatment for UTIs in Dogs & Cats
Below is our holistic approach for how to treat a UTI in cats and dogs with natural, high-quality supplements.
Olive Leaf Extract For Pets - Olive Leaf Extract for Pets contains high-level antimicrobial plant extracts that are scientifically proven to destroy Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus pathogens. This trusted urinary tract infection home remedy has been used since ancient times. Olive Leaf Extract for Pet's active ingredient, oleuropein, can help to reduce inflammation in the bladder and urinary tract. The powerful polyphenols in olive leaf can also help to improve immune function and offer powerful antioxidant protection.
Akutur UTI Support Drops - This product promotes healing of the urinary tract and bladder. It provides pain relief in the urinary tract, reduces inflammation and helps restore balance in the bladder and pelvic floor. Akutur drops help prevent bacteria from hiding within the bladder walls and help to clear out toxins in the urinary tract. It’s especially helpful for pets with a history of urinary plugs, interstitial cystitis and bladder cancer. For best results, combine with Olive Leaf Extract and NOT Drops.
Power Probiotic for Pets - This high-potency, multi-strain probiotic supplement is easy to use and most pets love the taste. When your cat or dog takes antibiotics for a UTI, the friendly bacteria is killed off along with the bad bacteria. Friendly bacteria is necessary for a healthy immune system and to keep the microbiome in balance. Pets that have taken antibiotics for urinary tract infections can develop yeast overgrowth, so supplementing with Power Probiotic can help prevent these infections from recurring. It’s pure and natural with absolutely NO FILLERS!
Renelix - Use this product if your pet has ever had kidney or bladder stones, crystals or kidney disease. This product flushes the toxins from the kidneys and urinary tract. It helps restore normal kidney and urinary tract function. Renelix helps prevent future crystals and stones by gently detoxifying the urinary tract. Please know that Renelix will NOT break up bladder or kidney stones.
NOT Drops - A powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-infection homeopathic remedy, these drops help to control harmful bacteria and restore gut flora balance, improving immune function. Fights infections and helps prevent recurring infections. Combines well with Akutur to target the urinary tract and bladder. NOT is our most popular dog and cat UTI remedy because the drops are tasteless.