Gastro ULC For Pets
90 tablets
Human Supplement. For Pets Over 7 Pounds
For Cats & Dogs Under 7 Pounds, Clients Order the Soothing Digestive Relief + Power Probiotic Package
Note: Most cats do not like the taste of any herbal supplements. Gastro ULC tablets must be crushed, mixed with water and given with an oral syringe (not included). This item is non-refundable. If you have any questions, please e-mail us before purchase.
This product contains human directions on the product label. We have extensive experience with Gastro ULC and include detailed dosage directions specifically for your pet (based on the information you provide on the order form at checkout) on the packing slip that comes with your order.
What is Gastro ULC For Pets?
Gastro-ULC is a natural remedy for pets that contains time-tested minerals and herbs that are known to have properties that help reduce stomach acid, indigestion and ulcer pain. Relieve heartburn and acid reflux naturally! Gastro ULC is a human product that is a large, hard tablet that must be crushed for smaller size pets.
This fabulous stomach acid reducer and gastrointestinal formula helps to not only relieve stomach acid pain, but helps to repair inflamed tissue! Contains licorice, L-glutamine and mastic gum to support and repair the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract and to fight toxic bacteria such as H.pylori.
Many pet owners are able to use this acid reducer as an alternative to chemical antacids. Over the counter antacids, such as Pepcid (famotidine), contain chemicals and while they temporarily help reduce the pain of stomach acid, they also reduce the acids we so desperately need for proper digestion of nutrients. Gastro ULC is safe for long term use.
Provides fast relief for pets with:
- Stomach Aches
- Acid Stomach, Acid Reflux & GERD
- Stomach Ulcers
- Vomiting Hairballs
- Acid Stomach due to Kidney Disease
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Gastritis
- Grass Eating due to Acid Reflux
For BEST results, use Gastro ULC in combination with Power Probiotic (save with our package price) and K9 Digestive Enzymes. Our products work synergistically to help maintain balance in your pet's digestive tract. Acid reflux is caused by poor digestion, so it is essential to use a digestive enzyme, such as K9 Digestive Enzymes for dogs or LypoZyme for cats and dogs under 5 pounds, to ensure proper digestion. Our digestive enzymes help to improve the digestion of fats and protein. Power Probiotic helps to rebalance the intestinal flora, as dysbiosis creates digestive discomfort. Gastro ULC coats the stomach and soothes the symptoms of acid reflux. Our clients report the best results when Gastro ULC, Power Probiotic and K9 Digestive Enzymes (or LypoZyme) are used together for digestive balance.
Symptoms of Acid Stomach and Stomach Ulcers in Dogs and Cats
How do you know if your pet has excess stomach acid? Well, sometimes the signs may be very subtle: excessive salivating, vomiting saliva or bile, or just acts like he or she has a tummy ache. Both the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract are affected when acid reflux and ulcers occur. This can leave your cat or dog feeling very uncomfortable.
- Lack of appetite, especially in the morning
- Vomiting bile, hairballs or small amounts of food
- Coughing (pets with collapsed trachea often have acid reflux)
- Grass eating or vomiting after eating grass
- Gulping or loud gurgling noises
- Hunching over after eating
- Licking or smacking of the lips
- Bad breath
Licorice Root, L-Glutamine and Mastic Gum for Dogs and Cats
What makes this product so fabulous is that it is all-natural, using herbal remedies that help to heal the lining of the stomach, reduce inflammation in the mucosal lining of the GI Tract and enhance the natural digestive process.
- Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract - Soothes gastrointestinal problems, such as stomach acid and heartburn, by increasing mucus production and helping to repair the stomach lining. Anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting.
- L-Glutamine - Amino acid fuel source for tissue function in the intestines. Helps to protect mucus membranes against toxic bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), during digestion.
- Mastic Gum - Unique tree resin which relieves abdominal discomfort, pain and inflammation. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Antibacterial properties that can kill off H. pylori and ease the symptoms of IBD.
Gastro ULC Can Benefit:
- Dogs and Cats With Gastrointestinal Disorders Helpful for acid stomach, acid reflux, GERD, stomach ulcers, indigestion, and heartburn.
- Dogs and Cats With Kidney Disease or CRF Relieves symptoms of nausea due to acid buildup from kidney disease. One of the hallmark symptoms of kidney disease is that pets develop acid stomach and inappetence as the kidneys are not able to properly flush out toxins. Pets become very picky and often lose weight. Gastro ULC and Power Probiotic help relieve stomach discomfort and reduce vomiting, improving your pet's appetite.
- Dogs That Constantly Eat Grass Excessive grass eating by dogs is usually a sign of acid stomach. When a dog suffers from intestinal upset, nausea or gas, they will eat grass to help induce vomiting. Gastro ULC is an excellent acid reducer for dogs.
Natural Remedies For Treating Acid Reflux and Acid Stomach:
Acid reflux in cats and dogs is often caused by poor digestion. For best results, use Gastro ULC along with a probiotic and digestive enzyme.
- Power Probiotic for Pets is a blend of friendly bacteria to stabilize and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Helps to support digestion. Easy to administer. Open the capsule and sprinkle on food. Most pets love the taste.
- K9 Digestive Enzymes Contains HCL (hydrochloric acid) and ox bile extract to help with the digestion and absorption of fats and proteins. Enhanced digestion will decrease the symptoms associated with acid stomach. Reduces vomiting and regurgitation.
- Soothing Digestive Relief Contains a special blend of time-tested herbs and plant enzymes scientifically proven to calm and soothe the digestive tract. Helps to break down carbohydrates. Eases indigestion and diarrhea.
Gastro ULC Ingredients:
One tablet* contains:
*Dosage for pets varies by weight.
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract 325 mg
L-Glutamine 200 mg
Mastic Gum 150 mg
Citrus Fruit Extract (peel) (15% bioflavonoids) 100 mg
Bismuth Citrate 75 mg
Gamma Oryzanol 75 mg
Chlorella 50 mg
Chinese Rhubarb Root Extract 50 mg
Inactive Ingredients: Cellulose, stearic acid, modified cellulose, silica.
Gastro ULC has benefited thousands of pets with IBS and GI tract issues since 2005. The ingredients and product formulation have not changed, however the label was recently updated with this added notice in accordance with government requirements:
Gastro ULC-Acid Reducer Formula Provieds the Following Benefits:
- Relieves stomach acid pain
- Reduces vomiting of bile from acid buildup
- Helps to repair inflamed tissue
- Heals the lining of the stomach
- Reduce inflammation in the
mucuosal lining of the GI Tract
- Enhance the natural digestive
"This is Millie the Bernedoodle. Millie reluctantly ate food in the morning and tended to vomit (TMI but true). We tried every type of food out there and visited several veterinarians. She was losing weight, and not acting like herself. Millie has been taking a combination of the Power Probiotic, Gastro ULC, and the K9 Digestive Enzymes for several months. She hasn’t had any episodes as before, she’s gained needed weight because she now eats her breakfast, and has more energy. Thank you!"
Jami, Arkansas
"My sweet, beautiful Rudley has had tummy issues since he was a puppy. With Ask Ariel's help, we put him on a raw diet and have used their supplements…
Amazing Omegas and Power Probiotics all these years. He will soon be eleven years old and he’s been very healthy.
Recently, he started getting us up in the night to go outside and wanted to eat grass or bushes! He was agitated and couldn’t seem to get comfortable. After lab work and vet visits that showed he was healthy, I decided it was time for him to go back on Ask Ariel’s digestive protocol. I had to assume that he was having acid reflux in the night. After only three days on K9 Digestive and Gastro ULC, Rudley was sleeping through the night again and back to his happy self! We also added the Brain Booster since he is a senior citizen!
Thank you Susan and Ask Ariel for always being there for us. I’m convinced that your supplements (and diet suggestions) have kept Rudley from ever having an ear or skin infection."
Pam, California
"This is Odis. We adopted him when he was two and shortly after discovered he had some digestive issues. At one point the vet had put him on famotidine and didn't really have a plan on when to take him off. He was still struggling with acid reflux flare ups. I had read a review someone had left on a website about Ask Ariel as their dog was having the same symptoms. I contacted customer service and they were so helpful with suggestions on what to do. The nutritionist recommended a diet change and supplements (Power Probiotic, K9 Digestive Enzymes, Gastro ULC) and it has changed our world. He loves eating his food now and doesn't mind having the supplements mixed in his food. He's so much calmer and hasn't had to take any famotidine in a month since we started! So grateful for the care that was shown to both my dog and myself!"
Tiffany, Pennsylvania
Tek and Tessie
Cambridge & Andromeda
“Well, in October of 2019 Cambridge was diagnosed with thyroid issues and he lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. He was put on meds and a few months later he began to vomit up stomach fluids with some blood at the end. Vet said likely an ulcer from the meds. So I searched and found your products. He’s only had maybe once instance since beginning the products and it wasn’t as bad as it had been. Since then he’s been happy. These products really worked! I’m so grateful, it was a scary time. Andromeda gets the probiotics also, for gut support. Cambridge is the male orange tabby. Andromeda is the female brown tabby. Thank you for helping my babies!!!"
Teresa, Pennsylvania
“This is Buster, adopted from my local shelter 6 years ago. He has a collapsing trachea, so I’ve been giving him Ultra-Flex Collagen, Soothing Digestive Relief, Gastro-ULC and Power Probiotic for about the last 6 months. He has had great relief from his symptoms and the vet said his breathing sounds better than it did 6 months ago! His intermittent diarrhea is no longer a problem either...I’m very pleased with how well these products are supporting Buster’s health.”
Marti S., WY
“Our baby Roo has had kidney disease since she was 5 years old. That was when I first found AskAriel.com in 2009. When we started Roo on Renelix and Kidney Health, her numbers improved and she got much more active. Over the years, as she has had additional digestive and stomach symptoms, we contacted you, and adjusted her diet and have added Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief and Gastro ULC. It is now 8 years later, Roo is 13, and she is doing well. When we do her blood tests, the numbers are usually just barely out of normal or just within normal range, and her urine tests show she is concentrating her urine well. She still plays with her toys, her favorites being the mylar balls and little mice that come in your packages. I don’t think she would have made it to this age without your products and your help."
Pat and Tim, PA 2017
Pretty Boy
“I'm writing to tell you that with the help of your supplements, my dog Pretty Boy just turned 17! About four years ago, Pretty Boy started experiencing a chronic cough. At the time, he was taking supplements from another company. He was diagnosed with heart disease and put on conventional medication. I continued with the supplements previously mentioned but I wasn't satisfied with the quality so I decided to search for another source. That's when I found Ask Ariel. Pretty Boy is taking Power Probiotic, Amazing Omegas, Gastro ULC, Lypozyme, Soothing Digestive Relief (when necessary) Dog Brain Booster, Kidney Health, Renelix, Oxicell SE, Purrfect Pet COQ10, along with his conventional medications to address his heart condition, kidney disease and chronic pancreatitis. Although this seems like a lot of supplements, the combination (with my holistic vet's approval) works well for him and keeps him full of energy. The supplements are all very high quality and with patience and time, really do work. My favorite is the Gastro ULC. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to wean him off of his twice daily administration of Pepcid for his acid stomach due to kidney disease. His digestive woes have all been diminished with the addition of the Lypozyme and Power Probiotic. Thank you for always taking the time to answer my many emails and for your suggestions. My resilient little man means the world to me and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him healthy and happy."
Erin E, New York
“Roscoe is 12 years old and was experiencing repeated vomiting after eating, first announced by a mournful wail. The vet couldn’t pinpoint his issue, as his labs are all good except he is anemic. Well I guess I would be too if I constantly threw up any nutrition. He lost a lot of weight. Vet put him on a regime of antibiotics thinking he may be suffering from a condition similar to Lyme disease. He said it can stay latent in the body for years before manifesting, as I mentioned he is an inside cat; however, he is a rescue many years back. The antibiotics seemed to help, then not at all. He was also wormed as a precaution. He continued to lose more weight and energy, although he wanted to eat. He just couldn’t keep it down.
I started giving Roscoe the Gastro-ULC and Power Probiotic. I sprinkle it onto his food. It took a couple of weeks before I started to see improvement, with some good days dashed by vomiting episodes. But he seems to have finally stabilized and is gaining weight and energy. His little nose is still pale, but seems to be pinking up. I am excited about his progress. Sorry for the long story, but wanted to let you know about another success with your supplements."
Jeanette, Michigan
“My 13 year old cat, Buny, had been in declining health for the last two years. He was biting us, aggressively attacking the other cats, compulsively licking himself, peeing outside of the litter box, barely eating, and sleeping all day and night in the same spot. I had to carry him downstairs for breakfast and dinner, and I was always trying to find something new that he would take a few bites of because he had gotten so, so skinny. He was also trembling/shaking all the time. We were heartbroken.
We took him for three expensive visits to our vet who did a full work up but couldn’t find anything wrong with him. Our vet kept recommending Prozac, and against my better judgment I finally agreed to it out of desperation. The Prozac made everything worse. We were certain Buny’s life was coming to an end. So I made an appointment with a pet psychic, thinking it was a long shot but I didn’t know what else to do. She told me Buny has acid reflux, so I weaned him off of the Prozac and ordered Gastro ULC and Happy Paws.
After only a week of being on Gastro ULC and Happy Paws we had our Buny back! He is like a kitten again and back to being the biggest personality in our home. He’s SO playful and loving and happy, he’s always hungry and he’s gaining weight. He’s awake and active just as much as our other cats, he’s not licking himself obsessively or peeing on the floor! His trembling is gone and he’s even doing his “tricks” again. He gives us licks every chance he gets and is always purring and talking, just the way he always did. Every day our family talks about how miraculous this has been. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your natural products THAT ACTUALLY WORK. Our family is beyond grateful, and so is Buny!”
Davis Family, Pennsylvania
"Thank goodness for Gastro ULC and Soothing Digestive Relief. I’m not sure if my little Mya (brown Chi) would still be around had my friend not given me your website. So many ER visits, sick nights, and debilitating pain before she started with the medicine. Life changer for us!"
Amy, Montana
“I want to let you know how great Dakota, our Golden Retriever that we rescued, is doing. When we got him, he had bad ear infections that he had for months, and his skin was so black in the armpit and groin areas that we thought it was ground in dirt. He also had acid reflux and would bring up bile several times a day. It has taken several months, but the blackened skin (from yeast) is almost back to normal thanks to K9 Yeast Defense. I wish we had taken “before” pictures of his skin because the difference is remarkable. And, for his acid reflux, we started using your supplements (Power Probiotic, K9 Digestive Enzymes, Gastro ULC and Soothing Digestive Relief). We used to give him Pepcid, but we have been able to slowly wean him off. I can’t forget to mention using your food recommendations. His ears didn’t start to clear up until we got him eating food that he could tolerate. Thank you so much for your supplements and all your help. Dakota is a much happier dog thanks to you!"
Pat & Tim, Emmaus, PA 2016
“My cat Burrito, 14 years old, started vomiting hairballs occasionally. Then It got so frequent, we had to seclude Burrito to the basement every night. She had always slept between my husband and myself. Poor kitty! We took her to the vet, who thought she had acid reflex and Burrito was put on Zantac twice a day. It didn't work--she still vomited the same.
When we took her back to the vet, the vet said it could be IBD and wanted to put her on prednisone to see if the inflammation that was causing the vomiting would go away and then some other testing. Instead I did some research and found Ask Ariel. I ordered the suggested IBD Kit combo of Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Enzymes and the NOT drops and waited for results. Wow it really worked! After I was done with the Notatum drops, we were doing our twice daily regimen of probiotics and digestive enzymes. Still every once in a while, I would find a white foamy liquid on the floor. Ask Ariel suggested to add Gastro ULC. That did the trick. My Burrito is happy again and back to sleeping with us. hanks, Ariel!”
Tanja, Grand Forks, ND
"Since I started him on your trio of digestive aids (Probiotics, Enzymes, Gastro ULC) three months ago, he has not had a single vomiting episode, and now he eats his breakfast in the AM with gusto. No more gurgling stomach/grass-eating episodes and no more loud mouth smacking at night. I'm going to keep him on this supplement regime for a few more months and then see if I can cut back to once a day. Thanks so much Ask Ariel."
Odette, Pennsylvania
“We wanted to let you know how great Archie is doing with all the help you have given us. With Archie being a Scottie we have had to deal with Scottie Cramp and the possibility of Cushing's. When he developed Scottie Cramp the breeder told us to not expose him to any of the causes that made the Scottie cramp happen. Instead, with your help, we exposed him to the causes which are anything that made him excited. By doing this we made the causes a norm in his life which have diminished the cramp or done away with it all together. His legs are now strong and he can go up and down the stairs without any help. By watching his blood tests we have been monitoring his ALK Phosphates and Cortisol levels. When they started to increase, we added Canine Cushing support. After being on the product six months his water intake is back to normal and so far his blood work is stabilizing. Along with the Cushing support he is on a raw diet and a number of other supplements (LypoZyme, Special SAMe For Dogs, Gastro ULC, and Amazing Omegas) you have recommended for balance.
We want to thank you so much for all the help and care for “Archie”.
Rich, Patty and “Archie”, California 2016
"Thanks so much for your wonderful products and the helpful information on your website. Here are pictures of our 3 year old Yorkies Bella and Blue. Both are doing well on the Power Probiotic, Gastro ULC and AllerEaze."
K. Lustig and Family
“Our cat Sebastian had problems with severe allergies this year and was vomiting almost daily at one point. We started him on Colostrum, per your instructions, in addition to NOT Drops, QUENT Drops, and Gastro-ULC. The change in him has been miraculous! Not only has the vomiting stopped, but he has started gaining weight and is playing like a kitten again. And he loves his Colostrum! We would highly recommend all of these products. You give so much helpful information. Both of our cats are happy and healthy, and it's largely because of you! In many cases, we've had no success with the traditional Veterinary approach, but notice an immediate improvement when using your holistic products. And no nasty side effects either! Sebastian sends his love and thanks you for your purrfect advice. And my sister and I cannot thank you enough for all the assistance you give us to keep our babies happy and healthy!”
Suzanne Sucec
Joanne Sucec
Pennsylvania 2013
“My 9 year old Welsh Springer Spaniel mix, Max, didn't have much of an appetite and would frequently vomit. He would often rush out to eat grass and then vomit afterwards. I was worried because he was thin and seemed so uncomfortable. I followed the Ask Ariel program and changed his diet while using supplements such as Gastro ULC and Power Probiotic. I really wasn't expecting much because I had made prior changes before that hadn’t worked. Within just a few days, Max improved. He no longer was interested in eating grass and his vomiting stopped. Max is now at a healthy weight and it is so nice to see him so happy to see his meals.”
Karen, Orange County, CA 2012
“Our 17 year old kitty Mocha has early-stage kidney disease and the Gastro ULC has been a lifesaver. Mocha was vomiting every day and we use the Gastro ULC along with the Power Probiotic and to our amazement, it stopped. Mocha always reminds us when we run out. Thank you for helping our precious cat.”
Marcia, North Carolina 2012
“Bleu had IBD and a very sensitive stomach. Gastro ULC really helped his appetite and prevented him from getting nauseated after eating.”
Davis Family, California 2012
Blue Dream
"This is Blue Dream. He’s going on 8 years old. After we rescued him, we noticed he regurgitated everything he ingested. The vet diagnosed him with Mega-Esophagus. The conventional medicine options were not an appealing route, so I did a lot of research on alternative care. I learned that others use the ‘Bailey Chair’ when feeding. Blue much preferred to just stand up while eating though, and it’s worked excellent over the years. Mega-Esophagus can be a bit tricky though because from our experience, Blue can go months with no issues whatsoever, and then all of a sudden, he’ll have a rough day - coughing like a goose, & spitting up his water, due to the congestion & what seems like air bubbles in his chest/throat.
A few months back, he started to suffer from what appeared to be GERD/Acid Reflux. He was smacking his lips, his breath was very foul, his tummy was gurgling, and his stool was incredibly strong. I quickly started to research again and stumbled upon Ask Ariel. It described the exact symptoms that Blue was suffering from as well as the ingredients I had been considering.
We ordered Gastro ULC and Lypozyme. Blue perked up a bit when I told him that his supplements were on the way. Along with his supplements, we received some nutrition/diet tips that we jumped on right away. I honestly can’t believe how quickly the GERD ceased with no more smacking, stinkiness &/or spitting up. Also, his energy is full on puppy status again! I’ve just placed his re-order, and have added the Power Probiotics to keep his digestion/absorption on point.
Ask Ariel, it really does mean the world to us to have found you. You are the Angel to our Blue Angel, and we cannot thank you enough!"
Jasper, New Mexico
"I want to tell you that if it were not for your products, I do not know if my dog would still be with us. For 4 months she threw up every night. She would whine and whimper throughout the night because of her acid stomach. I did everything her veterinarian said to do. I gave her Pepcid, changed to Prilosec and nothing worked. And I am well aware of the side effects of antacids long term which really worried me. The same day I started her on the program (all 3, the Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief and the Gastro ULC) she stopped getting sick at night, no acid reflux. I have never seen anything like it. I was at my wits end and so worried until I found your products. I just want to say thank you. My cat Penelope is on the same product for her kidney disease, which causes her to have acid stomach as well. This is working great on her as well. Pepcid did not work on either of them, but this stuff does."
Terry, Massachusetts
