Home Remedies For Cat Ear Infections
Ear infections are common in cats and can cause symptoms like scratching, head shaking, discharge, and odor. Ear infections can be painful and often recur. Cats with ear infections may end up in a cycle of chronic antibiotic use, which can weaken their immunity. Home remedies for cat ear infections can help strengthen your cat's immune system, reducing inflammation and irritation. When used alongside your vet's prescribed treatments, they are especially effective in preventing reinfection and supporting long-term ear health.
Cat Ear Infection Symptoms
Ear Scratching: Cats with ear infections may frequently scratch or paw at their ears.
Head Shaking: Excessive head shaking can indicate discomfort or irritation in the ears.
Ear Discharge: Brown, black, or yellowish cat discharge from ear is common with ear infections.
Odor: Foul-smelling discharge or a strong odor coming from the ears can be a sign of infection.
Redness & Swelling: Inflamed or swollen ear canals, often accompanied by redness, may be visible..
Pain or Discomfort: Cats with ear infections may exhibit signs of pain or discomfort when their ears are touched or manipulated.
What Are The Types Of Cat Ear Infections?
Bacterial Infections: Caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas, bacterial ear infections are common in cats and can lead to inflammation and discomfort.
Yeast Infections: Overgrowth of yeast, typically Malassezia species, in the ear canal can cause yeast infections, characterized by itching, discharge, and odor.
Parasitic Infections: Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are a common cause of ear infections in cats. These tiny parasites thrive in the warm, dark environment of a cat's ear canal, feeding on earwax, oils, and skin debris. Untreated ear mites in cats can lead to discomfort, itching, inflammation, and dark discharge resembling coffee grounds. If not treated, ear mites can lead to significant discomfort, self-inflicted injuries, and even hearing loss.
What Are Conventional Veterinary Treatments For Cat Ear Infections?
Ear Cleaning: Thorough cleaning of the ears to remove debris, wax, and discharge is an essential part of treating ear infections.
Topical Medications: Veterinarians may prescribe ear drops or ointments containing antibiotics, antifungals, or corticosteroids to treat bacterial or yeast infections.
Oral Medications: In severe or recurrent cases, oral antibiotics or antifungal medications may be necessary to address the infection.
Ear Mite Treatment: Medications specifically targeting ear mites may be prescribed to eliminate mite infestations.
Home Remedies For Ear Infections In Cats
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil for cats, can help reduce inflammation and support skin and coat health, potentially preventing ear infections.
Probiotics: Probiotic supplements promote healthy gut flora, which can indirectly benefit ear health by supporting the immune system and reducing the risk of infections.
Antimicrobial Herbs: Certain herbs with antimicrobial properties, such as olive leaf extract, may help prevent or treat mild ear infections in cats.
Homeopathic Drops - Natural homeopathies from the Penicillium genus should not be confused with the antibiotic penicillin. While they are not antibiotics, some studies suggest that certain species of Penicillium, including Penicillium notatum and Penicillium frequentans may produce bioactive compounds with antimicrobial properties. These compounds may have the ability to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.
Why Do Cats Get Repeat Ear Infections?
Cats can experience repeat ear infections, which can be frustrating and concerning for pet owners. Ear infections in cats are often caused by a combination of factors, which can make them recurrent or difficult to treat. Some of the most common causes include:
Allergies: Cats with food or environmental allergies are more prone to ear infections. Allergies can cause inflammation in the ears, making them more susceptible to infection.
Ear Mites: These tiny parasites can irritate the ear canal, leading to infections if not properly treated.
Moisture: Excessive moisture from baths or even humidity can create an ideal environment for bacteria or yeast to grow in the ears.
Underlying Health Issues: Conditions like hypothyroidism or diabetes can affect the immune system, making it harder for cats to fight off infections.
Poor Hygiene or Foreign Objects: Dirt, wax buildup, or foreign objects like grass or pollen can cause irritation and lead to infections.
Tips To Prevent Cat Ear Infections
Regular Ear Checks: Check your cat's ears regularly for signs of redness, discharge, or odor. A veterinarian would need to look inside your cat's ear with an otoscope in order to diagnose a feline inner ear infection and determine the appropriate course of treatment.
Proper Hygiene: Keep your cat's ears clean and dry, and avoid using cotton swabs, which can push debris further into the ear canal.
Environmental Control: Minimize exposure to potential allergens or irritants that could trigger ear infections, such as pollen, dust, or certain cleaning products.
Dietary Management: The best diet for a cat with ear infections is a balanced, species-appropriate diet rich in essential nutrients to support overall health and immune function. Avoid dry foods and diets made with grains or legumes due to their high carbohydrate content. Feeding a novel protein, low carbohydrate diet can help reduce symptoms and prevent recurrence.
"I just received another order of wonderful products. Here's how your products have really changed her life. My sweet Shammy had a rough start in life. Stomatitis, chronic ear and eye infections. I didn't want her life spent at the vet getting steroid shots and constantly having to be on antibiotics. A full mouth extraction...suggested by one vet was NOT an option for this sweet girl who already had 3 surgeries in her short life (including an eye removal). Ask Ariel's products have truly done wonders for her. I give her Power Probiotic and the Immune Support Kit. I am happy to report no more eye or ear infections and her mouth, although not completely healed, is so much better than it was over 3 months ago. She is eating like a champ now! I could not get her to eat more than a few bites of food before because her mouth was so inflamed. Thank you! These products are amazing! My other kitty who is 4- months is on the products as well. He came to me with an upper respiratory infection, but now his eyes and nose are completely clear since taking these immune support supplements for cats. What a great change that has occurred in both my cats overall health!" - Carolyn, Florida
Cat Ear Infection Supplements
How Can Supplements Help Prevent Ear Infections? Supplements can strengthen your cat's immune system and support overall ear health. For severe or recurring ear infections, it's important to consult with your vet. These natural supplements, when used alongside your vet's prescribed treatments, can help prevent future infections and support healing. Ask Ariel's natural remedies for cat ear infections are designed to support your cat’s immune system and reduce discomfort, helping to prevent recurring infections.
 Olive Leaf Extract For Cats
Olive leaf extract has powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat the bacteria and yeast responsible for ear infections in cats. Its natural compounds, like oleuropein, can support their immune system, helping to fight off recurring infections. Additionally, olive leaf extract helps reduce swelling and irritation in the ear canal, promoting faster healing and preventing future flare-ups.
Learn more about Olive Leaf Extract
PureOcean Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cats
Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can help reduce cat ear canal inflammation, leading to reduced discomfort and symptoms associated with an infection. By supporting the immune system, omega-3s may help cats better combat the underlying causes of ear infections, whether they be bacterial, yeast-related, or linked to other factors such as allergies. Fish oil is a natural cat ear infection home remedy that can promote overall well-being and contribute to improved resilience against chronic ear infections.
Learn more about PureOcean Wild Omegas
Power Probiotic For Cats
Probiotics can help cats with ear infections by promoting a healthy balance of gut flora, which in turn supports a robust immune system. A well-functioning immune system can help prevent and manage ear infections. Probiotics can help reduce inflammation and improve overall gastrointestinal health. However, more research is needed to determine the direct impact of probiotics on ear infections in cats. It’s very important to use Power Probiotic if your cat has taken antibiotics, antifungals or steroids for an ear infection.
Learn more about Power Probiotic
NOT Drops
NOT Drops are considered one of the best homeopathic remedies for cat ear infection. NOT Drops help control harmful bacteria and restore gut flora balance, improving your cat's immune function. Clears up nasal and sinus congestion to help improve breathing. Acts like natural antibiotics for cats.
Learn more about NOT Drops