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Heart Supplements For Dogs

Heart disease in dogs includes a variety of conditions ranging from heart murmurs to congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. It's important to be proactive, as warning signs of heart disease may not appear until the disease has progressed to an advanced state. While some breeds may be predisposed to develop congenital heart conditions, pets often develop heart problems with age. Early diagnosis, working closely with your veterinarian and using a heart-healthy diet and supplement regimen can help your pet live a longer and healthier life.

Why Use Heart Health Supplements For Dogs?

Supplements for heart disease in dogs are often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to support cardiovascular health and manage symptoms. Here are some reasons why veterinarians often recommend them:

Supporting Heart Function: Some heart health supplements, like CoQ10 for dogs with heart disease, can support heart muscle function and improve circulation.

Reducing Inflammation: Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system, which is beneficial for dogs with heart disease.

Managing Symptoms: Supplements can help manage symptoms associated with heart disease, such as fatigue, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil or Coenzyme Q10 may help improve exercise tolerance and reduce coughing.

Antioxidant Protection: Some supplements contain antioxidants like resveratrol, vitamin E and selenium, which can help protect the heart tissue from damage caused by free radicals.

Improving Quality of Life: By supporting overall heart health and managing symptoms, supplements can contribute to improving the quality of life for dogs with heart disease, allowing them to lead more comfortable and active lives.

What Ingredients Should You Look For In A Dog Heart Supplement?

Natural ingredients like CoQ10, resveratrol, and hemp extract, can help manage heart disease in dogs. Many of these ingredients have been extensively studied in human and animal research. Whether it's congenital heart defects, acquired heart conditions, or age-related changes, understanding how to support your pet's heart health is important for their overall well-being.

  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - CoQ10 is an antioxidant that supports cellular energy production and helps reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the heart. Research suggests that CoQ10 supplements may help improve cardiac function and symptoms in dogs with heart disease. A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine found that dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) that supplemented with CoQ10 showed significant improvements in clinical signs and quality of life [1]. Another study in dogs with mitral valve disease reported that CoQ10 supplements may have benefits in terms of decreasing inflammation in dogs with mitral valve disease and CHF [2].

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have anti-inflammatory properties and may benefit dogs with heart disease by reducing inflammation, improving cardiac function, and reducing the risk of arrhythmias. Several studies have demonstrated the cardioprotective effects of omega-3 fatty acids in dogs. A study published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research showed that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids improved ventricular function and reduced inflammatory markers in dogs with CHF [3]. Another study found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation decreased the risk of ventricular arrhythmias in dogs with cardiomyopathy [4].

  • Taurine - Taurine is an amino acid that plays a role in heart health. Supplementation may be beneficial for dogs with certain types of heart disease, particularly dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine reported that taurine supplementation improved cardiac function and survival time in dogs with DCM and taurine deficiency [5]. Feeding your dog small amounts of organ meats, like heart and liver, can boost their taurine intake. Certain types of fish, like salmon and mackerel contain moderate levels of taurine.

  • L-Carnitine - L-carnitine is involved in metabolism and may support energy production in the heart. Research suggests that supplementation with L-carnitine may benefit dogs with heart disease by improving energy metabolism and cardiac function. A study reported that L-carnitine supplementation improved cardiac function in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure [6]

  • Hawthorn - Hawthorn is an herbal remedy that has been used traditionally to support heart health. Research suggests that hawthorn supplementation may have beneficial effects on cardiac function and symptoms in dogs with heart disease. A recent study found hawthorn to be beneficial for hypertensive and cardiopathic dogs [7].

  • Dandelion - Dandelion has diuretic properties that may help reduce fluid retention associated with heart disease in dogs. These greens are rich in vitamins and minerals, including potassium, which may help regulate blood pressure. Consider adding a few dandelion greens to your dog's food.

  • Antioxidants - Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium help reduce oxidative stress and protect the heart from damage. They help to reduce inflammation and improve overall cardiovascular health. Spinach contains vitamin C and vitamin E, along with other essential nutrients like iron and fiber. Adding a few leaves to your dog's food can add essential nutrients. Tuna fish and chicken are naturally rich in selenium. Small amounts of these lean proteins can be beneficial for heart health.

  • Resveratrol - Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound found in plants that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research suggests that resveratrol supplementation may benefit dogs with heart disease by protecting the heart from oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and improving overall cardiovascular health. Clinical studies have provided evidence that resveratrol may be beneficial for dogs with hypertension, heart disease, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, and heart failure [8].

  • Hemp Extract - Hemp extract contains compounds like cannabidiol (CBD) that may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and stress-reducing effects, which could benefit dogs with heart disease. Research on the use of hemp extract in dogs with heart disease is limited, but studies in humans and laboratory animals have shown promising results. One study has found that CBD administration reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in the heart [9].

What Are The Symptoms of Heart Disease in Dogs?

The clinical signs of congestive heart failure are quite varied, and many of them may not seem to be heart-related. Heart disease can be a “silent killer,” and it is important to have regular veterinary exams, as it can be caught early. Watching for these signs can improve the prognosis for your dog with heart disease and congestive heart failure.

dog with heart
  • Heart murmur (abnormal heart sound)
  • Coughing
  • Easily tiring after exercise, loss of stamina
  • Bluish discoloration of the tongue
  • Sudden collapse
  • Difficult or heavy breathing
  • Accumulation of fluid in the lungs, leg or abdomen
  • Enlarged liver

Not all dogs with heart disease will exhibit the same symptoms and some may experience a combination of these signs. The severity of symptoms can vary depending on the type of heart disease.

Dog Heart Murmur Natural Treatment

What is a Heart Murmur?
A heart murmur is an abnormal sound heard during a heartbeat, indicating turbulent blood flow through the heart.

Types of Heart Murmurs
  • Systolic Murmurs: Most common, caused by narrowed blood vessels, anemia, cardiomyopathy, or hyperthyroidism.
  • Diastolic Murmurs: Rare, caused by leaks in aortic valves.
  • Innocent Murmurs: Harmless sounds due to normal blood circulation.
  • Pathologic Murmurs: Caused by heart disease or structural defects.
Signs of Heart Murmur in Dogs
The most common signs of a dog heart murmur are irregular heartbeat, persistent coughing, lack of energy.

Grading Heart Murmurs
Heart murmurs are graded on a scale of I to VI based on intensity, from faint to loud and palpable.

Treatment and Management
  • Treatment of a heart murmur in dogs depends on underlying cause (e.g., anemia, hyperthyroidism, or heart failure).
  • Regular monitoring by a vet is crucial.
  • Natural supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants can support heart health.

What is a heart murmur? A heart murmur is an abnormal heart sound. There are several different types of heart murmurs. The most common is a systolic murmur. These are usually caused by narrowing blood vessels in the heart but can also be caused by anemia, cardiomyopathy or hyperthyroidism. Diastolic heart murmurs are caused by leaks in the aortic valves and are quite rare in pets. Some murmurs are innocent or physiologic, which means that they are harmless sounds as the blood circulates through the heart. A pathologic heart murmur can be caused by disease or a structural defect in the heart. An irregular heartbeat, persistent coughing, and a lack of energy are classic signs of a heart murmur in dogs.

A heart murmur occurs when there is abnormal turbulence in the blood flow through the heart, resulting in an unusual sound during a heartbeat. This condition can vary in severity and may indicate an underlying heart problem, such as valve disorders or structural abnormalities. While conventional treatments such as medication or surgery are commonly recommended, there is growing interest in natural supplements as adjunctive therapy.
Heart murmurs are graded by their intensity based on a scale of I to VI. A very slight, faint murmur will be a Grade I murmur. As they intensify, the scale increases. A loud murmur that can be felt is generally a Grade VI murmur. Heart murmurs can be serious, but in most cases, they are treatable. Dog heart murmur coughing treatment is dependent on the diagnosis of the underlying condition. If the murmur is caused by something like anemia or hyperthyroidism, the treatment plan will be much different than that for a dog with congestive heart failure. Pets with heart murmurs need to be regularly monitored by a vet, as murmurs can be a sign of heart disease. Dog heart murmur natural treatment includes exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight and adding heart supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants to keep your pet's heart function strong.

Heart murmurs can sometimes be associated with underlying heart conditions that involve inflammation, such as valvular disorders or infections. Inflammation can cause changes in the structure and function of the heart, leading to turbulent blood flow and the generation of the characteristic sound of a murmur. Therefore, addressing inflammation can be a key aspect of managing heart murmurs and their underlying causes.

Fish oil, particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids like EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), has been extensively studied for its anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in modulating the body's inflammatory response by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and promoting the synthesis of anti-inflammatory compounds. By reducing inflammation in the cardiovascular system, fish oil can help mitigate the factors contributing to abnormal blood flow and turbulence in the heart, potentially alleviating the severity of a heart murmur.

Natural Remedies For Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

Does your dog have a persistent cough? Does it appear to have a hard time breathing? Most would consider this to be a respiratory issue, but these are the most common symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is a progressive disease where the heart struggles to pump blood efficiently, leading to fluid buildup in the lungs or abdomen. Fluid accumulation on the left side of the heart leads to edema in the abdomen, while fluid accumulation on the right side produces coughing and lung congestion. CHF in dogs usually develops in middle-aged and senior pets.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the body, with higher concentrations in organs with high energy demands, such as the heart. CoQ10 plays a crucial role in cellular energy production within the mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. In the context of congestive heart failure (CHF), where the heart struggles to pump blood effectively, CoQ10 becomes particularly important due to its role in energy metabolism. Energy Production: The heart muscle requires a constant supply of energy to contract and pump blood throughout the body. CoQ10 is involved in the electron transport chain, a series of biochemical reactions within the mitochondria that generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. By facilitating ATP production, CoQ10 ensures that the heart has the energy it needs to function optimally. Antioxidant Protection: In addition to its role in energy production, CoQ10 also acts as a potent antioxidant. Oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, can contribute to heart muscle damage and dysfunction in CHF. CoQ10 helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, protecting the heart from damage and supporting overall cardiovascular health. Vasodilation: CoQ10 has been shown to promote vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels, which can help improve blood flow and reduce the workload on the heart. By enhancing blood vessel function, CoQ10 may help alleviate symptoms of CHF, such as shortness of breath and fatigue. Improvement of Cardiac Function: Several studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of CoQ10 supplementation in dogs with CHF. CoQ10 supplementation has been associated with improvements in heart function, exercise tolerance, and quality of life in dogs with heart disease. It may also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and hospitalizations in humans with CHF. Given its importance in energy production, antioxidant activity, and vascular function, CoQ10 supplementation may be particularly beneficial for dogs with CHF.

High Blood Pressure in Dogs

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common precursor to heart disease and CHF in dogs. Blood pressure is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels. High blood pressure can cause restricted blood flow in the arteries, making the heart muscle work harder. Over time, the increased pumping and pressure can lead to deterioration and weakness of the heart muscle.

Most dogs with high blood pressure have secondary hypertension - meaning it is caused by another disease or condition. Primary hypertension - high blood pressure on its own - is very rare in pets. The most common conditions causing high blood pressure in dogs include kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and Cushing's disease (hyperadrenocorticism). With appropriate treatment for these diseases, pets may have their blood pressure decrease back into the normal range.

High blood pressure can be associated with many symptoms and health issues, so it is important to have your dog checked by their veterinarian. The risk of high blood pressure increases as your dog ages. With age, they also become more susceptible to kidney disease and heart conditions. Make a blood pressure check part of your pet's annual wellness exam.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs (DCM)

DCM or dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs is a condition that affects the heart muscle, leading to weakened contractions and decreased pumping ability. This weakening of the heart muscle can result in poor circulation and fluid buildup in the lungs and other parts of the body. Essentially, the heart becomes enlarged and loses its ability to function properly. DCM can affect dogs of any breed, but certain breeds are more prone to developing this condition. It is more common to see DCM in Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, and Cocker Spaniels. While genetics play a significant role for a DCM dog, other factors such as diet and environmental factors may also contribute to its development.

Canine DCM symptoms can vary depending on the individual pet and the severity of the condition. Common signs of dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs include lethargy, decreased exercise tolerance, coughing, difficulty breathing, fainting, and abdominal distension due to fluid accumulation. If left untreated, DCM can progress rapidly and lead congestive heart failure. Veterinarians may recommend diagnostic tests such as echocardiography, electrocardiography, and chest X-rays to evaluate the heart's function and structure. Treatment options typically include medications to support heart function, diet changes, and natural supplements to support the heart. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs is a serious condition where the heart muscle becomes weak and enlarged, leading to decreased heart function. While supplements alone may not be sufficient to manage DCM, they can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan to support heart health and improve quality of life for affected dogs. Here are some supplements that may be beneficial: Taurine: Taurine deficiency has been implicated in some cases of DCM in dogs, particularly in certain breeds like Golden Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels. Supplementing with taurine may help improve heart function in dogs with DCM, especially if they have low taurine levels. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): CoQ10 is involved in energy production in cells, including those of the heart muscle. Supplementing with CoQ10 may support cardiac function by enhancing energy production and improving overall heart health. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Similar to their benefits in humans, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the heart, improve lipid profiles, and support overall cardiovascular health in dogs with DCM. L-carnitine: L-carnitine is an amino acid that plays a role in energy metabolism, particularly in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy production. Supplementing with L-carnitine may help improve energy utilization in the heart muscle and support cardiac function in dogs with DCM. Hawthorn: Hawthorn is an herb that has been traditionally used to support heart health. It may help improve cardiac function, increase blood flow to the heart, and strengthen the heart muscle in dogs with DCM. Antioxidants: Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, selenium, and alpha-lipoic acid may help reduce oxidative stress and protect the heart from damage caused by free radicals in dogs with DCM.

Other Heart Diseases In Dogs & Related Conditions

Some other types of heart disease and conditions linked to congestive heart failure in dogs may include:

  • Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease (DMVD) – detected by a heart murmur; more common in certain breeds (Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Newfoundland, bull terrier, Siamese cats)
  • Chronic Valve Disease (CVD) – common in older small-breed dogs, CVD is characterized by degeneration of the heart valves.
  • Congenital Heart Defects – some pets are born with structural heart abnormalities that can eventually lead to heart failure.
  • Collapsed Trachea – as the trachea collapses, breathing difficulties can lead to an enlarged heart
  • Obesity – excess weight can strain the heart and contribute to heart failure.
  • Endocarditis – bacterial infection of a heart valve, treated with antibiotics and then with supportive care and supplements.
  • Heartworm Infections – spread through mosquito bites, the larvae mature within the pet’s heart and lungs and can impair blood flow.

Four Ways To Help Your Pet With Heart Disease

Monitor - If your dog is diagnosed with heart disease or congestive heart failure, close monitoring will be important to help your pet maintain an active and happy life. This will include regular veterinary visits to evaluate any changes in their condition and adjustment of medications. At home, a pet with heart disease will need to have much closer observation than a healthy pet. It will be important to monitor their exertion and resting heart rate. You will need to be vigilant and note any changes in your pet's behavior, appearance and appetite. Report any significant changes to your veterinarian.

Exercise - If your dog has heart disease, keeping them at a healthy weight is extremely important. The more weight your pet is carrying, the harder your dog's heart has to work. Even though your pet has heart disease, regular mild to moderate exercise can be helpful to keep them healthy and fit. Be sure to take it slow and don't let them overexert themselves. Taking water and treats along during a walk, especially during the summer can really help. Intense exercise can aggravate the heart and lungs and can be dangerous for your pet.

Diet - The best heart disease diet for dogs is a diet high in fiber and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A low-fat, fresh diet can be very beneficial. Green vegetables contain fiber, vitamins and minerals and can support a healthy immune system. Many pets are eating prescription diets that can contain chemicals, food allergens and grains when low-fat natural diets are available. Include your pet’s treats and diet on the order form at checkout, and we will include free heart diet tips on the packing slip that comes with your order.

Supplements - Supplements for heart disease in dogs can provide additional support for your pet. Supplements like coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been shown to benefit dogs with heart disease by supporting cardiac function and energy production. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation, which can be beneficial for pets with heart conditions. Additionally, antioxidants like resveratrol can help protect the heart from oxidative damage.

Managing Heart Disease With Natural Supplements

Resveratrol For Dogs

Resveratrol For Dogs

This product contains an exceptional antioxidant that has been researched for its cardiovascular support properties. Scientific research shows that its anti-inflammatory effect in the vascular system leads to a reduced risk of inflammation and blood clotting, common precursors to heart disease. It’s a very concentrated formula and works best for dogs over 10 pounds.

Learn more about Resveratrol For Dogs

coenzyme q10 for dogs

Purrfect Pet CoQ10

Purrfect Pet CoQ10 contains genuine Kaneka Ubiquinol, which is the active form of coenzyme Q10, known for its high absorption and maximum benefits. CoQ10 reduces oxidative damage and lung inflammation, supporting your pet's cellular health and energy production. As your pets age, they lose CoQ10 and the ability to convert it. Purrfect Pet CoQ10 replenishes this vital antioxidant, potentially slowing the progression of heart disease progression. Purrfect Pet CoQ10 is a dog heart murmur natural treatment that is frequently recommended by veterinarians.

Learn more about Purrfect Pet CoQ10

fish oil for dogs

PureOcean Wild Omegas

PureOcean Wild Omegas are concentrated, easy-to-use softgels with a natural fishy flavor. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They help reduce inflammation in the heart and cardiovascular system, support heart function by helping to regulate heart rhythm, and may help lower blood pressure in pets with hypertension (high blood pressure). PureOcean Wild Omegas may help reduce symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and low energy levels.

Learn more about PureOcean Wild Omegas For Dogs

Article published Mar 19, 2024
Written by: Susan Davis, Pet Health Nutritionist, CCN
All pet treatment protocols and pet treatment supplements have been reviewed and approved by a veterinarian

Puff Daddy

"We had some good news about Puff Daddy! Ever since Puff Daddy was a pup, different vets would say they heard a mild heart murmur. About two years ago, we started a heart disease protocol that included Amazing Omegas, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, and Resveratrol For Dogs. We went in for Puff Daddy’s rabies vaccination and the vet listened to his heart for quite some time. She looked up amazed. She heard no murmur. She asked me what I was giving him and said to keep it up. Puff Daddy has the energy of a puppy, running at full-speed with dogs 3-4x his size. I am so grateful for Ask Ariel." - Andrea, Washington D.C.


"I love the new CoQ10 formula for our dog, Bella. These capsules are easy to handle and administer. The outside is firmer, yet squeezable, making it easier to divide than other CoQ10 options. Thank you for providing this supplement to support Bella’s heart health. Even with a Grade IV heart murmur at age 15, she is happy, healthy, and active." - Brenda, California

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Cat heart problems

Natural Remedies For Congestive Heart Failure In Dogs & Cats

Heart healthy dog food

Heart supplements for dogs

Dog Heart Health Supplements

Fish oil for dogs with heart disease

Coenzyme Q10 for dogs with heart disease

Cat heart murmur

Cat heart health supplements

Enlarged heart in dogs

Heart failure in dogs

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12841346/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9394267/
3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9857337/
4. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1939-1676.2007.tb02959.x
5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9298474/
6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S019556169150108X
7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343034591_Evaluation_of_the_Efficacy_of_Crataegus_oxyacantha_in_Dogs_with_Early-Stage_Heart_Failure
8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25451966/
9. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpheart.00098.2007

Note: Our collagen supplement for dogs and cats provides a two- to four-month supply for pets under 35 pounds, depending upon weight and a one-month supply for dogs over 35 pounds. If you have a pet under 35 pounds, capsules will need to be opened in order to mix the powder into food.

Collagen For Dogs & Cats: What Are The Benefits?

Collagen is a structural protein found in the bones, muscles, skin, tendons, and digestive tract of your pet. It is the “cellular glue” that holds the body together. Natural collagen production declines as your pet ages, which can lead to decreased elasticity and stability in the joints, muscles and connective tissue. Collagen supplements for dogs and cats can also be used to aid in recovery and repair of bones, tendons and ligaments in pets that have suffered injuries.

The key ingredient in Ultra-Flex Collagen for dogs and cats is NEM® brand eggshell membrane - a safe, all-natural whole-food source containing three varieties of collagen, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and enzymes, which support joints and connective tissue. Ultra-Flex Collagen for dogs and cats contains key enzymes for enhanced absorption and bioavailability.

The benefits of collagen supplements for dogs and cats may help:

Supports Joint Health & Strengthens Cartilage

One of the most difficult things to watch is your dog or cat not being able to run or play like they used to because of arthritis or pain. Age-related joint and soft tissue pain is something that most dogs and cats will experience during their senior years. Around 80% of your pet’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments are made up of collagen and it is crucial in keeping these connective tissues flexible. With aging, collagen production decreases and this can play a major role in arthritis and joint pain. As collagen is depleted, the protein connections weaken and this can make your pet more susceptible to tendon and ligament injuries such as torn cruciate ligaments, luxating patella, and elbow and hip dysplasia. Collagen supplementation can help maintain connective tissue health, improve mobility in pets and provide pain relief for cats with arthritis or dogs with arthritis.

Ultra-Flex Collagen provides nutritional support to the bones and joints to repair existing joint damage and to help prevent further damage. It helps to repair the cartilage and connective tissue on a cellular level and helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Recent scientific studies show that collagen from NEM® eggshell membrane is a viable therapeutic option for the management of the pain and loss of function associated with suboptimal joint function in dogs.*

Cartilage is the flexible tissue that provides cushioning between the bones and joints. It also makes up the vertebral discs and bronchial tubes. Cartilage is made of glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, collagen and elastin. Our Ultra-Flex Collagen is made with NEM® eggshell membranes. They naturally contain many of the same key nutrients found in healthy joint cartilage:

  • Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are used in the body as shock absorbers and lubricants. Glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid are commonly utilized as individual arthritis and joint support supplements for pets. They provide support for joint mobility, healthy lubrication and promote cartilage synthesis.
  • Proteoglycans are proteins that occur in connective tissue and the extracellular matrix – the fibrous substance that provides structural and biochemical support between cells.
  • Collagen is the building block of your pet’s joints, bones, cartilage, blood vessels and connective tissues. Also helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Elastin gives elasticity to tissues, allowing them to stretch and retract. Provides support in the skin, lungs and spine, as these tissues contain high amounts of elastins.

Ultra-Flex Collagen can be added to your pet’s diet as a preventative when they are young to help keep their joints and soft tissue strong. Collagen offers support for dogs with panosteitis, a painful bone condition marked by inflammation in the long bones of the limbs. This condition predominantly affects young, large-breed dogs, causing intermittent lameness and discomfort. Since collagen is a key structural protein in bones and connective tissues, adding supplemental collagen may help alleviate the symptoms of panosteitis, reducing inflammation and supporting the healing process within affected bones.

Ultra-Flex Collagen is an excellent choice for pets that have allergies to the shellfish found in glucosamine or those that are especially picky about herbal formulas. If your pet is taking ArthroStride, Adequan injections or another glucosamine remedy, Ultra-Flex will work synergistically to promote joint repair, increase mobility and reduce joint degeneration.

*Reference: Effectiveness of NEM® brand eggshell membrane in the treatment of suboptimal joint function in dogs: a multicenter, randomzed, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Vet Med (Auckl). 2016; 7: 113–121. Published online 2016 Aug 18.


"Our 7 year old Pudlepointer Ember suffered a devastating leg injury 2 years ago. She suffered a committed fracture which required multiple surgeries and plating if her leg. Her vet recommended several supplements and we even tried injections to reduce her pain and limping. I turned to Ask Ariel for advice and started Ember on Ultra-Flex and ArthroSoothe. Within two weeks, she had completely stopped limping and was running like the wind! She was doing so well, when the supplements ran out, we didn't bother to refill. Fast forward a few months and the poor dog is limping again with no initiating incident. We put Ember back on ArthroSoothe and Ultra-Flex and it worked even faster this time! No more going off supplements, thank you for helping our dear, sweet Ember ❤" - Lynette, California

Effective Treatment For Collapsed Trachea in Dogs

Ultra-Flex Collagen has been one of Ask Ariel’s most effective tracheal collapse supplements. Eggshell membrane for collapsed trachea strengthens the rings of cartilage over time. Collapsed trachea is characterized by dogs hacking, coughing (often sounds like "honking") and gasping for air. This natural tracheal collapse supplement will help strengthen the trachea cartilage, reducing symptoms over time. It works best when used in conjunction with Amazing Omegas, Purrfect Pet CoQ10, Power Probiotic and LypoZyme. Collapsed trachea is aggravated by poor digestion and inflammation. Our collapsed trachea treatment includes important diet changes along with digestive supplements (LypoZyme and Power Probiotic), since food allergies and poor digestion increase inflammation and irritate the esophagus, which can make coughing and hacking worse.

Ultra-Flex Collagen is also helpful for dogs with laryngeal paralysis and GOLPP. With these conditions, the laryngeal cartilage no longer functions normally and breathing is restricted. Supporting and strengthening the connective tissue may delay the need for surgery and reduce symptoms.


"My Brody is doing wonderful with no trachea cough/gagging since I started him on your supplements! My Brody Bear is one happy boy!!" - Tammi, Florida

Products Used: Ultra-Flex Collagen, Amazing Omegas, Purrfect Pet CoQ10


"This is Buster, adopted from my local shelter 6 years ago. He has a collapsing trachea, so I’ve been giving him Ultra-Flex Collagen, Soothing Digestive Relief, Gastro-ULC and Power Probiotic for about the last 6 months. He has had great relief from his symptoms and the vet said his breathing sounds better than it did 6 months ago! His intermittent diarrhea is no longer a problem either...I’m very pleased with how well these products are supporting Buster’s health. Buster also uses Lypozyme for his digestion and collapsing trachea; he is doing so much better since we started with these products!" - Marti, Wyoming

Helps Digestion & Supports a Healthy Intestinal Lining

Many illnesses can be traced back to inflammation and irritations within the digestive tract that can lead to health conditions such as IBD, acid reflux, colitis and even autoimmune disease. Improving digestion to reduce inflammation and increase the proper absorption of nutrients is the key to good health.

Collagen aids in digestion by breaking down proteins and it can help repair and soothe the gut lining. Collagen can strengthen the connective tissue in your pet's intestinal lining and reduce permeability. Collagen has a high glycine content. Glycine is an amino acid that helps to break down fat, strengthens the integrity of the intestinal wall and can bind with toxic substances to help excrete them from the body.

Ultra-Flex Collagen supports a healthy GI tract by strengthening the connective tissue in your pet's intestinal lining. Use it with Power Probiotic to improve digestion, absorption, immunity and your pet's overall well-being.

Promotes Skin Health and a Healthy Coat

The skin and coat are crucial to the health of your pet. Dry skin or brittle fur can signal a serious health condition, such as thyroid disorders or kidney and liver disease. The skin and coat system is actually the largest organ in dogs and cats. The dermis layer of the skin contains blood vessels, hair follicles, and glands that help to regulate skin and body temperature. Collagen makes up the majority of the protein in your pet’s skin. A healthy dermis layer will provide strength and flexibility for the skin and will help to maintain skin elasticity, a soft, shiny coat, and strong, powerful nails. Ultra-Flex Collagen can help to improve skin, fur and nail health. If your cat or dog suffers from itchy, dry skin or cracked nails, adding Amazing Omegas can help keep the dermis healthy and promote coat and nail wellness.

Dr. Adam Lassin, Holistic Veterinarian

Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets was tested by Dr. Adam Lassin on his own cats. Neither Zaria or Gianna objected to the taste of the powder inside of the capsule, and they gave Ultra-Flex a purrfectly pawsitive seal of approval!

Ultra-Flex Collagen Product Details

Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets Ingredients (1 capsule):

  • NEM® brand eggshell membrane 500 mg
  • Lipase (250 FIP) 25 mg
  • Protease Blend (Protease and Peptidase)(68,750 HUT) 175mg
  • Other ingredients: Beet Root Fiber, Cellulose and Water

Made in the USA

Important: Contains eggshells. Not recommended for pets with an egg allergy.

NOTE ABOUT DOSAGE: For small pets, the Ultra-Flex Collagen capsules will need to be opened and divided for administration. If you have difficulty opening capsules, please keep this in mind before ordering.

Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets is made using the highest quality enzymes and ingredients and is manufactured under strict cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards. These rigorous standards are applied throughout the production process, from the sourcing of the raw materials and the strict control of the production environment to the analytical tests essential to ensuring quality, safety and reliability. Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets is manufactured with a certificate of analysis guaranteeing potency and purity. Ultra-Flex Collagen for Pets is all-natural and does not contain fillers.

NEM® brand eggshell membrane is a natural, food-based source of glucosamine and chondroitin that contains key bioactive proteins such as collagen, which have been shown to support joint comfort and flexibility. Using an all-natural, patented process, the eggshells and their attached membranes are separated from each other. The isolated membrane is then partially hydrolyzed and dry-blended to produce 100 percent pure eggshell membrane powder. NEM® is manufactured in the USA within FDA-inspected, NSF-certified GMP facilities using an environmentally friendly patented manufacturing process. Every lot of NEM® undergoes "release" testing which includes; verifying it is low in toxic heavy metals and ensuring it is free from pathogenic bacteria.

Protease Blend - These enzymes help reduce inflammation and support muscular health while increasing the bioavailability of amino acids.

Lipase - The lipase enzymes help break down and utilize the fats in the eggshell membrane for improved tissue absorption.

Read More Collagen for Pets Success Stories


"Our lil boy, Jaspurr, is doing amazing with his supplements from you (Ultra-Flex Collagen, Power Probiotic, Soothing Digestive Relief) and his diet changes for his IBD. At 17 yrs and 9 months old, he still runs around and plays with his two brothers, Bailey (7.5 yrs old) and Tinker (2.7 yrs old). I switched them all to grain free/gluten free foods and Power Probiotic and they are just great." - Joyce & Bob, Pennsylvania

Chip & Princess

"Here is a picture of our two Italian Greyhounds Chip (on the left) and Princess who are nearly 12 years old. Chip has collapsed trachea but we have been giving him Ultra-Flex Collagen Support consistently for over a year which has helped calm the horrible, honking cough he had previously. He still has days when he coughs but it is no longer the coughing that sounds like a goose." - Sharon, Virginia

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